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12、Cherry樱桃木 ...

  •   【樱桃木】

      This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.

      纳威·隆巴顿(Neville Longbottom)的第二根魔杖
      玛丽·卡特莫尔 (Mary Cattermole),全名是玛丽·伊丽莎白·卡特莫尔 (Mary Elizabeth Cattermole)。1997年,其被指控从纯血统或混血统巫师那里偷窃了魔杖,并被带到麻瓜出身登记委员会接受多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇和亚克斯利的审讯。
      吉德罗·洛哈特(Gilderoy Lockhart)

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