are you alright? please take care, i'm sorry if my comments made you even more upset. i just hope that you have a happy new year, i once tried writing too and was vulnerable to criticisms, so i understand exactly how you feel, but please don't give up just because of that. it sounds cliche but criticisms make you grow. i usually leave short comments on others' articles but with you i think you have great potentials, i sincerely wish you can continue your article. 作者回复: 出门回来看到留言,心里真温暖。s,熊抱一个。我会尽量坚持的,新年快乐哦
网友:similarity 打分:2 [2009-01-01 12:48:22]
are you alright? please take care, i'm sorry if my comments made you even more upset. i just hope that you have a happy new year, i once tried writing too and was vulnerable to criticisms, so i understand exactly how you feel, but please don't give up just because of that. it sounds cliche but criticisms make you grow. i usually leave short comments on others' articles but with you i think you have great potentials, i sincerely wish you can continue your article. 作者回复: