You are welcome, but I have to apologize one thing that I have missed out. 大地之母 = Gaia (盖娅), whom is the grandmother of Zeus. (Spouse/ Mother of Uranus, 乌拉诺斯) 时光女神 = Rhea (瑞亚), mother of Zeus. (Spouse/ Sister of Kronos, 克洛诺斯) If you need any further information, you may refer to the wikipedia: □// Cheers
网友:gingetsu88% 打分:2 [2012-11-10 01:25:20]
You are welcome, but I have to apologize one thing that I have missed out.
大地之母 = Gaia (盖娅), whom is the grandmother of Zeus. (Spouse/ Mother of Uranus, 乌拉诺斯)
时光女神 = Rhea (瑞亚), mother of Zeus. (Spouse/ Sister of Kronos, 克洛诺斯)
If you need any further information, you may refer to the wikipedia:
[1楼] 作者回复 [2012-11-10 23:28:47]
OK,非常感谢!!!嘿嘿嘿(*^◎^*) 果然英文看着清晰啊,瑞亚和盖娅好相似,容易混,英文的区别就很大了~!再度拜谢姑娘!!