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10、2nd Augustus 2002 Friday Doetinchem ...

  •   Het geluk zit in een klein hoekje (Happiness hides in a small corner)

      Those little monsters were crying again. God, Christina struggled to her feet, under the dim street light through the curtains, she saw Meily stood in her cage staring at her, saw Christina wasn’t her mother, and the crying gets louder. Every mid-night, these monsters had to be fed again. She ran to the kitchen, grab the two milk bottles and milk powder out of the cabinet, 4 spoonful powder, 200ml hot water, or 250ml again?

      God, quickly turning the tap, waiting the water to get hot, poured the water in and shaking the bottles, hoping Meily hadn’t woke brother up yet. She ran back to the babies’ room, as expected the other monster Simon was also standing in his cage contesting with his sister who would tear the roof down first.
      Christina held two bottles in both hands and tried to put them in their mouth, Meily saw no mom coming, turned her head vigorously left and right to refuse the milk bottle meanwhile screaming like hell, Simon had already sucked two mouthful of milk but suddenly spited the bottle out as well and joined the screaming contest again. Christina wished she’d be allowed to join as well, she could shout even harder.

      The baby room’s door opened, Laura came in, took the bottles over from Christina, felt a drop with her tone, “too hot”, she said, then went to the kitchen and splashed it under cold water for a while, back again, fed the two monsters at the same time, Meily sucked with triumphant eyes to Christina, while Simon sucked with eyes full of complain. What had she done? Why did she have to feel so wronged? Christina asked herself in silence, half sleepy. She couldn’t go to her bed while the mother was helping her out in feeding these monsters.

      Christina had to be on her duty, she was the babysitter. Till the two contently lay back in their cages with a full tummy, Christina helped to cover them under blankets then went back to her bed again, right beside the cages after a foldable wooden framed shield.
      She swore to herself not in a million years would she ever have a child of her own once again then fell into sleep immediately.

      “Ah oooh,” “xixi”, god, these monsters, Christina fought to open her eyes, 5:36, in the morning! It was barely light, the two monsters were standing in their cages and talking and giggling to each other in their own languages. What the hell, they got to sleep for some more time, otherwise they would be sleepy very early this morning, then very early this evening too, then woke up even more early tomorrow morning, god, please break the vicious cycle.
      Please bless these monsters just lie down again and sleep for another hour at least.

      “Aha ooh,” Christina observed them through her half opened eyes. Simon was playing with his elephant, the one with music sound if the tail is stretched. Meily was trying to stake her hand into Simon’s cage to grab it, she got the ear, and they started to pull, with noises from their mouths and noses. Simon had never won in any battle over his sister who was born one hour later than he was, this time neither. Meily proudly held the elephant back in her cage and played the tail, “wuaaaaaa…”Simon started another contest of tears and nasal noodles, declaring the opening of another day.

      Christina quickly jumped in her clothes hung on the shield, took the nightgown off from the monsters, changed their diapers, and set them out of their cages. Immediately they forgot the elephant, but trying to explore out the baby room door. The parents must be still in bed. Christina quickly moved to block their way to the door.

      She took the plastic building blocks and chained trains from the window sill on the very low round table, knowing the twins are curiously watching, then stapled the blocks very high and swayed it on purpose and acted scared for the potential falling, “oh, don’t fall, don’t fall’ while the two were giggling “val val”, they couldn’t really talk yet, both near 18 months old, then the building suddenly fell down, they giggled more and picked up all the blocks back on table.

      It took Christina quite some energy to arbitrage the twins so that they finally each settled with one toy, Simon the block and Meily the train. But in less than 5 minutes, with all the building blocks and train blocks falling allover the ground they marched to the door again. Christina took the whole box of toys from the cupboard and pretended to keep the box for herself, they both came after her and running around the table twice then grabbed the box down.

      The 3 of them sit on the carpet, started to pick up one thing after another from the magic box, teddy bears, long arm monkeys, lollipops, music box, each would hold their attention for around 5 minutes, then Meily discovered a whistle flute, she flew it with full strength before Christina’s could stop it, now the parents must be woke up by the sharp whistle.

      The twins suddenly ran to the door, Laura was pulling smiles behind the glass. Relieved, Christina picked up all the animals and toys back into the big cartoon box again, folded the nightgown of the twins. Then she went on to tidy up the bed of her own and the cages of the twins. God, this was just a morning, far from a day yet, she hadn’t even washed up.

      It had been 10 days already since Christina moved in this baby room; she left her things in Anna’s summer house. Laura called her for an interview after she came back from Shanghai with her husband, she knew Christina was not experienced with children, but satisfied with both of their schedules, as the family would move back to shanghai in September again.

      As a matter of fact Christina was utterly shocked when she came for the interview, she was received by the husband from the bus stop, a Dutch man aged over 50, she thought his Chinese wife did have a young voice, when she saw Laura, she found out she did not only have a young voice, but also a young face too. She looked really young, must be less than 30, she thought. Truly beautiful, very tall and slim, dressed as those singers in MTV, she could be a movie star in China.

      Christina learned later on that Laura is 36 already and her Dutch husband is 52, not a very unacceptable difference actually. They met in her husband’s firm in Shanghai, when they were both married with their own country folks and raising children with someone else, later on they both get divorced and married with each other.

      The twins were born here for the sake of citizenship. They spent most of their time in Shanghai. This time the husband had to come back to deal with some legal matters with his ex-wife. Apparently before the ex-wife got married with someone else, it would be his responsibility to take care of her life since he made more money.

      Again, Christina only read this kind of stories in books before, she had always choose to stand on the side of those ex-es who were dumped, yet she saw Laura as quite a nice person. Laura was at least honest, admitted her regret to her ex and her son who lived with her ex. Besides, Christina saw how Laura was treating these two monsters, with great love. Christina admired the great patience from Laura.

      In fact Christina was only keeping an eye on the twins for Laura to cook meals, clean up the whole house, doing the laundry and grocery, giving water to the plants on balcony. Laura had to do all these very quick otherwise she may find 3 dead bodies in house.

      Christina never really understood what prisoner means till she saw Laura, at least Christina was going to have her placement in a month time, but Laura had no break till these monsters would turn into some kind of human being. One day already felt like ages, how long would it take for them to grow up?

      Breakfast had always been a disaster. Laura tried to feed the twins some apple puree and eggs, but the twins only wanted chips. Laura didn’t want them to cry and ruin the whole table; so she let them continue with their chips. The father refused adopt the soft-handed approach in raising children, he said that was something very Chinese, children had to learn disciplines, yes would be a yes, no would be a no. So he decisively set the twins outside of the kitchen door.

      They cried like hell in anger, pleading Laura with their eyes. Laura couldn’t eat her own breakfast either. She sat there with her cloudy face, she hated it when he interfered her way to raise the children, the kids were still too small to understand any disciplines, she never bothered him on he managed his firm?

      The father ate his breakfast up as usual and kissed his wife and crying children for goodbye. Then shout back at Laura with one foot outside the door, “I will be back early today, we go to visit my mother, it is her birthday today, Saskia come with us too.”

      Laura took the twins indoor again after the father’s car disappeared from the corner. She fed them the eggs again, this time they did eat. It seemed discipline did work after all.

      Around half past 9, the house was in order again. Laura took the double seat baby trolley out. Mostly they took the children with them when doing groceries or just for a random walk if the weather was nice. Christina dressed the twins up. She couldn’t handle those soft little arms at the beginning, wouldn’t dare to pull or turn them for fear of breaking them. Now she learned to dress them quickly with a rather hard hand, otherwise it would take you forever to get the other arm or leg in the same piece of cloth, and if you are not quick enough they will run away with only one shoe on.

      It was a very small town, Doetinchem, as a matter of fact, a village actually, not much bigger than Christina’s village at home. But it had everything, a post office, a few banks, those chain stores and supermarkets like HEMA, Blocker, Etos and AH, C1000, and many buses to nearby cities and a train station a few steps away from town center. They wheeled the children around in the sound of bells from the little church; all the cafes were still closed.

      Many pigeons flying around seeking bread scrapes, the twins got always excited when seeing the pigeons one minutes still walking in front of their car, the next minutes already flew high up to the sky. They stoke their hands out, trying to stand up from their seat to follow the pigeons; Christina had to push trolley really fast so that they couldn’t manage to stand up at all. Christina often does push the trolley around the church; try to surprise after those pigeon groups, with the twin giggling aloud.

      When they got back home an hour later, Saskia was already waiting outside door. She was the sister of the twins from the father side. She hated Laura for quite long because her family was tore apart by this evil Chinese, later on she found out Laura wasn’t as bad as she expected, besides she wouldn’t say no for her father’s financial support simply because of this Chinese woman.

      The twins were something else, they were her little brother and sister, and she loved them. Despite whatever played in the air, Christina felt a little bit relaxed as Saskia performing her sisterhood tasks and playing with the two little monsters. But Tina was paid to stay here; she couldn’t sit in sofa watching TV, so she helped Laura preparing their lunch instead, a far much easier task then to keep those children busy.

      But Saskia was not much better than Christina. She couldn’t really keep them away from pulling around Laura’s legs either. Laura gave the 4 of them each an ice cream just to keep the twins quiet; they kept indeed quiet for a while before dropping around the smelt chocolate on the carpet and pawing their creamy hands on Laura’s nice blue skirt.

      Laura fed the twins first, as they had to wait for the father. When lunch started, the twins were already full. Which turned the lunch into an even bigger disaster then breakfast as the twins kept playing their forks with all the dishes without eat anything, just don’t even think about the dinner.

      It is around 2 pm, the 3 adults and 2 children were squeezed into the father’s car, on the way to the grandma’s birthday. Christina never heard anyone talked about this grandma before today, she had no idea either where did the elder lady live, with which son or daughter, she never even heard that the father had any brothers or sisters.

      The drive seemed endless. The twins were always very difficult in cars. They couldn’t move, tightly bonded to their seats, they could only eat or staring out of the window. No giggling, they were bored to death, except when they caught a glance of some cows or sheep. Christina ran out all her tricks with the only two small toys they brought with them, besides, Christina used to have car sick, especially after such an early wake up morning, she felt dizzy and clumsy as she tries to remember what should come after “Jingle bells, Jingles bell, Jingle all the way, lalala…”

      After ages, the twins fell into asleep. They drove into a bigger city, stopped at a flower shop; Laura picked up some flowers and two pot of plants. Then they parked outside of a big apartment with all red window shields. They woke the children up, marched to the apartment, Christina saw the “Bejaadentehuis” on the board as they came near, so, old people’s home. Apparently the lady was not living with any sons or daughters. A nice girl at reception smiles and greeted all of them. The hall was rather nicely decorated. They walked up the stairs to the grandma’s room-312.

      The room was full. The twin’s father did have brothers as well as a twin sister. They were all here for the old lady’s birthday. The room wasn’t really small. There was a balcony full of flowers and plant pots, a big bed at one side of the room, two sofas and a table at the other side. It also had a private washing room. Around 10 people were trying to settle themselves down somewhere, Christina had no idea where should she sit or what should she do as the twins suddenly became the focus of the whole group, as if it was the twin’s instead of their grandma’s.

      The grandma was already not very clear with her head, she kept ask Laura the same question over and over again about when did she come back from Beijing, “Shanghai, mom,” the twin sister of the father corrected the old woman, “oh, ja, Shanghai, is this your sister then?” she started to talk with Christina, Christina had great difficulties in understanding her Dutch from the half teethed mouth.

      Someone brought those bloody sweet cakes and chocolates. The twins were struggling to feed themselves with anything that approachable from the table. Christina ran after them to fight those bloody chocolates out of their hands, the father wouldn’t be happy if they manage to swallow too many sweets; Simon was already quite a weighty child.

      They didn’t stay by the old lady for long, something like one and half hours maybe, then all the guests got up and kissing goodbye to each other and headed to their own cars. When then started the engine under the old lady’s watching from her balcony, they waved their hands to her and drove away.

      The father and Saskia talked about his schedules and her driving lessons. Laura was trying to cheer the twins up. No one even said one word about that old birthday lady up her balcony at all. Christina didn’t know what to think, she knew for long that family ties were loose here, not if she saw how the father was caring for the twins, even Saskia, but to those elders…while, they did get nurses in those homes to take care of them, might be much better and convenient than to stay with any of their sons or daughters.

      The twins got sleepy very early as they didn’t get a proper lunch-sleep except in the car, right after the third disastrous meal of the day, they already started to cry for nothing, a sign of wanting to go to bed. Christina gave them a bath, dressed them in their nightgowns. Laura tried to keep them up for a little while then send them to their cages. Laura started the last round of cleaning up the kitchen and the whole house. Christina went for her shower. No one dared to go into the baby’s room before the twins would get too tired of the crying before falling into asleep. Usually it took more than half an hour.

      It was not yet seven o’clock when Christina finished her shower. God, the two little devils might get up even before 5 the next morning. But she’d only get headaches if she also went to bed right away. Quietly Christina sneaked in the babies’ room, checked her mobile for missed messages. She always set the sounds off as it might ring during the twins sleep.
      Nothing, good, it felt like a complete no where land since Christina moved in here, time seemed to have no meaning anymore, one day after another, it was just the same, simple yet busy like hell, too long to bear.

      Luckily both Laura and the father were nice people, she never felt being treated as an inferior class or whatever, they asked her stories and even offered if she couldn’t find new place to live she could stay there further after they left for Shanghai. Though not really feasible, as it took hours to get to Amsterdam, or the Happy Concern. But it was really very nice of them to expressed concerns of her situation.

      Christina hadn’t checked her mail ever since she moved in here. No Internet café in town, every family simply had their own computers and networks, no time to go anywhere. She knew the father had a laptop in his little office at home, but she felt a bit rude to ask.

      “Join us for a drink?” asked the father from the kitchen seeing her in the hallway.
      “No, thanks, I was just wondering if you have internet access at home, honestly I didn’t mean to bother you at all, it is just I haven’t checked my mail account for quite some days…”
      “Come for a drink with us first, then you are allowed to use my computer, what would you like, apple juice or orange juice?”
      “Apple juice please, thanks a lot.”

      “You are such a polite girl, totally different from Laura.”
      “She might be more confident than I am.” Christina was not really aware of what was he talking about.
      “My friend told me that you were very helpful when you translate him the baby’s documents.” Aha, Christina remembered. A Dutch couple came over to visit Laura one day, to ask her translate some personal details of a 4 years old Chinese girl. They had been on the waiting list for 6 years already to adopt a child; they would go to pick up this Chinese girl from an orphanage next month.

      Christina was so impressed at their eagerness to know every detail of this little girl dumped into an orphanage for whatever reasons, she knew this little girl would be on the right track now, maybe she should ask around if there are any old couples who might in any case want to adopt someone ages 23. Laura wasn’t really good at translate, so Christina took it over.
      They brought the picture of the little girl with them, an ordinary girl in a winter coat, “Isn’t she beautiful?” the future mother asked affectionately, Christina said the tiny girl was a beautiful angel and she’d pick up Dutch and talk with them in their languages in no time. They were very glad and relieved to hear it. They were so much in tense. They even bought some Chinese cartoon books in case they couldn’t talk with the future daughter.

      Laura looked at the photo of the girl too, said that was just an ordinary looking girl, not beautiful, not ugly either, she told the truth. She didn’t quite realize the couples’ longing for a child as she had the twins around. But they had tea and chatted about the twins, they had quite nice time together that afternoon.

      “Oh, them, I am very relieved that a poor Chinese girl is going to have a totally different future, in some way, I felt they are helping my people rather then I help them.”

      They went to the living room, joined Laura on the sofa. Laura was knitting a scarf for Simon. That’s another reason Christina liked her. Laura spent hundreds of euros everyday on food or cloths or flowers, but she still enjoyed doing something with her own hands.

      “Christina, you tell me, what did I do wrong, I treated them with hospitality and they complain I insulted their future daughter. I can’t believe it.” Laura was obviously frustrated. She thought all the Dutch appreciated straightforward honesty.
      “No, you’ve done nothing wrong. It is just they are so fragile and nervous at this stage that they have to look for something to blame. You gave them the chance.” Christina knew to be straight with Laura.
      “But it turned out to be a good thing for you.”
      “What does that mean?” Christina was a bit taken aback, was Laura mad at her reaction to them?
      “You told us that you have nowhere to stay in Amsterdam now,” the father joined.
      “That is why I want to check e-mails, maybe there will be news about the HAS apartment.”
      “Do you know what the profession of my friend is? He is a real estate agent. I mentioned your situation when he thanked me for your help the other day. He said he would look around and see if he may find something suitable in Amsterdam for you. Just now he called and told that there might be a house available from October, the kind of house that you may register under you name and live there forever as long as you pay the rent, which means you are some kind of owner of the house, no fear to be thrown out.” He talked normally as if Christina would get this kind offer everyday.

      Christina got almost a heart attack. God, what was he talking about, a house, to put under her name? She bitted her finger, “ouch”, not a dream. But she was a foreigner, not a permanent resident yet, just a student with a yearly student visa, would one month from babysitting enough for deposits and all that?

      “God, it is not going to be true!” she spoke the last sentence out loud.
      “It can be true if you want to. Shall I tell him to reserve the house for you? Not advertise it to others I mean.” He asked friendly.
      “But how much is it going to cost, I surely can not afford that?” Christina was desperate.
      “ No worries, it’s a regular rental, you do not need to pay deposits, only the monthly rent and the house is not big, with the salaries you get from us, you can already pay 2 to 3months rent in advance.” The father beamed.
      “That’s great; please do let him know how grateful I am. I hope I am not in the middle of a nice dream am I?”
      “Just believe you have good luck.” They both laughed.
      “Actually you may go back with me to Shanghai in September, then come back for the house in October, you may even go back home a few days as my mother will help me with the twins.” Proposed Laura,

      Christina did feel her eyes getting warm, “Thanks Laura, I’d love to, but I have to stay here to extend my residence permit, besides I promised to start the placement in a firm begin September. Maybe I will be able to go back to China once for that placement firm, I will go to see you in Shanghai if I pass by there.”

      “Sure you will. Now go to check your e-mail, you don’t have to ask me, just open the laptop yourself and dial for connection whenever you want to check you mail.”
      “Thanks a lot.” Maybe after a whole lot of disasters, good luck would visit you once or twice, Christina walked to the little office upstairs with a dreamy smile.

      Her mailbox was overloaded with junk. She canceled pages after pages till the red warning disappears. Lisa got her placement in Paramount, in financial department.

      Christina wasn’t surprised, but very happy that Lisa’s time came. She said she would invite her little brother and Christina for a nice dinner on the Floriade day, oh, God, Christina totally forgot their appointment at Floriade, how the hell could she go without the twins for a whole day? She had to cancel it, what a pity she couldn’t catch a look of that little brother of Lisa. She would send the personnel pass to Lisa then Lisa wouldn’t have to pay for the entrance.

      Helen was back to Taiwan just for vacation. Jenny was back to Hong Kong.
      Anna was going to attend a symposium in Beijing for nearly two months! Beijing, wow, it would be the first time that Anna would stay in China without Christina.
      Maria was telling stories of her son, daughter and granddaughter, inviting Christina for dinner. Of course Christina couldn’t.
      Happy Concern told the working permit for placement was ready.
      Nothing from Ling


      2002年八月2日 Doeatinchem



      Christina 两手各抓一只奶瓶,试图塞到他们嘴里,Meily看见妈妈没来,使出吃奶的力气把头摇来摆去,不让奶瓶进嘴,同时嘶声儿尖叫,Simon已经吸了两口奶,可是突然也把奶嘴吐了出来,重新加入了尖叫大赛。Christina希望她也有资格参加比赛,她有本事叫得更大声。







      她从窗台上的矮圆桌上拿来塑料积木和小火车车厢,知道那对双胞胎正好奇地盯着看,然后把积木订到高处,故意让积木来回摇晃,自己则做出担心积木会掉下来,害怕被砸到的表情,“哦,不要掉下来,不要掉下来”,那俩只就咯咯地笑“val val”,他们俩快满18个月了,还不太会说话。积木突然掉了下来,俩人笑得更欢,把积木捡回圆桌上。
















      Doetinchem,很小的城镇,其实就是个村子,不比Christina家的村子大多少。可是什么都有,一个邮局,几家银行,那些诸如Hema,, Blocker, Etos 和AH, C1000等连锁店和连锁超市,很多往附近的城市跑的公车,离镇中心几步远有个火车站。她们推着孩子在小教堂的钟声里绕了几圈;咖啡店没有一家开门的。


      一个小时以后,她们回了家,saskia 已经在门外等着了。她是双胞胎的同父异母姐姐。她恨了Laura好长时间,因为这个可恶的中国女人她的家破碎了,后来她发现Laura不像她想的那么坏,而且她不想因为这个中国女人而拒绝她父亲的资助。




      大约下午2点,三个大人2个小孩儿挤进父亲的汽车,去给祖母过生日。在此之前,christina 没听任何人谈起过这位祖母,她也不知道这位老妇人住在哪儿,跟哪个儿子或女儿住,她从来没听说过这位父亲有什么兄弟姐妹。

      车程显得没完没了。双胞胎在车上特别不好过。他们被牢牢固定在座位上不能动,只能吃东西或者朝窗外望。俩个快被闷死啦,也不咯咯笑了,除非瞟到一眼奶牛或是绵羊会好一些。他们只带来两个玩具,被Christina拿来用尽了一切招术逗他们,再说,Christina经常晕车,尤其是早上起得那么早,她一边忍住晕眩和恶心,一边使劲回想“Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way, lalala….”后边应该是什么词儿。

      时间长得跟过了几年时间似的,双胞胎才睡着了。他们驶进一个稍大点儿的城市,在一家花店门口停下;Laura挑了些花和两盆植被。然后他们在一所镶红色窗框的大公寓门外泊好车,把双胞胎叫醒,朝公寓进发。走近以后,Christina看见门板上写着“Bejaadentehuis”那么,是所老人院。显然老妇人没跟儿子或女儿一起住。前台一位热心的女孩子微笑着招呼他们。大厅装饰得相当不错。他们走楼梯上了老祖母的房间--- 312。























      “上帝,这不可能是真的!” 她大声说出了最后一句。



      “多谢。”可能经历过一系列灾难以后,好运也会降临那么一两次,Christina 面带梦幻微笑,上楼去了那间小工作室。


      Christina 并不吃惊,她很高兴Lisa的时机来了。Lisa说过要邀请她的小弟弟和Christina一起去Floriade过一天吃顿好的,哦,上帝,她彻底忘了她们的Floriade之约,她怎么可能不带双胞胎离开一整天呢?不得不取消这次约会,很遗憾见不到Lisa的小弟弟了。可以把员工卡给Lisa,这样Lisa就不用买门票了。

      Anna要去北京参加一个研讨会,大约两个月!北京,wow, 这将是Anna第一次不跟Christina一起单独待在中国。

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