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3、Chapter 51 ...

  •   Saturday, in Anton’ house, Rene came in after parked his car out of the door.
      “The kitchen” , Anton was drawing tea and hintted Rene to put the wine down.

      When rene came out of the kitchen a moving figure past through his eyes.
      “I’m sleepy” a child flew into the kitchen, put his cup down then disappeared in stairs, “I must take a snap first!”

      “How could you take the child back here?”Rene asked, looking at Anton with astonishment, then noticed that Anton was wearing his police vest ,shirt sleeves rolled up so the bronzed muscles on his lower arms uncovered. He looked very tired but unimaginable handsome.

      “last night there was a bit trouble……”Anton answered wearily, then handed Rene a cup. When he felt Rene’ sight he gave him an severe glance.
      “?”, Rene got the cup, looking at him surprisely.

      It was said to be at the night but actually in the afternoon.

      Yesterday afternoon the little kid studied horsemanship in a suburb yard. He was very naughty in the last lap and flicked the horse straightly to the veranda where was faraway from the set site, and all instructors, stable-boys,policemen and bodyguards were left away.
      It happened to be unprepared and nobody could follow up with him.
      When the little kid reached the verranda a man in coach suit at once left several horseman he was originally within and rided slantly to say hello to the boy.
      Anton was suspicious of the man instinctively and said to him “Hi!”
      As that man heard Anton he suddenly hold the kid’ horse and whipped it so the two horses rushed speedily side by side to the small side door of the yard.
      At the time the police on watch near the small side door was drinking coffee, when he jumped up there was no time to get close to them. The horse had been past through. His pistol was holded down by Anton, “Don’t hurt the kid”.
      “don't spooked the horses” bodyguards shouted behind Anton and ran toward their cars.

      The two horses closed together, the gangster lashed the horses crazily rushing into a truck which back door was opening with an access board laid on slope.
      This time all the police and bodyguards had taken action. Many people ran out and two cars took the lead out of the chaos, one of which was the kid’ bodyguard’ car.
      While another horse had been pursuing obliquely from other way then the two cars and one horse begun chasing the front two horses but no one dared to fire.

      As the kid’ horse near the slope, Anton’horse had been closed to the kid. He approached from one side and tried to grab the horse’ rein with one hand.
      On the other side, the fake coach’ whip cross the horse’ tail thrashed to Anton’ face, Anton had to withdraw head to defend but shouted to the kid “ loose the stirrup!”
      The kid was very clever and after a short time Anon had pulled the kid to his own horse, however a white light flashed through that was a knife was stinging to his head.
      In the moment, Anton felt silent for a few seconds then suddenly all guns fired around him at the same time.
      The knife slipped down along Anton’ sleeve and the fake coach dropped down from the horse.

      Meanwhile, on the slope behind them, one car bonnet flew up and the car almost smashed onto the other car then it stalled quietly.
      As the sound of fire and explosion beginning, Anton’ horse was frightened to bray and reared then Anton heard the kid’ slightly cry following which they fell down from the horse.
      Anton saved the kid as he fell down he clasped the kid in his arms and rolled over towards lateral rock then pressed the kid down under his body.

      Around him, two groups, no, there were three groups had began fighting.
      For one time explosion blast, gun shots, crying and bray were all mixed up.
      Anton and the kid were trapped in the center area around them were staggering fire all that was very dangerous.
      But it was too early for backup coming here, Anton realized the group which behind him shoting to opposite robbers was not policemen.

      The bodyguards’ car stopped suddenly near them, just as bodyguard opened the door a bullet broke glass window, shatters of glass cut the bodyguard’ ear, Anton brought the kid in rapidly and the car quickly withdrawed.
      “Your people?” Anton asked that bodyguard.
      “no”, the bodyguard shook his head, “ damn it, I don’t know where they come from.”
      Both of the two groups were well-trained, equiped professional and firepower was fiercely all that seemd they would not to snatch the kid here but rather especially for an open fight.

      The bodyguard’ voice hadn’t disappeared then a bullet hit him and he fainted. The car lost control and whirled with a rush. Anton leaned over at once to fix steering wheel. He droved the car to grove back for a while he moved to operators’ seat.
      There were two cars had been closing, Anton sensitively realized they were not the gang previously fighting near the truck. This gang was grey-green dressed that seemed rather like the wearing of mercenary army in Atlantic City he had seen before.
      The gang didn’t fire but just only force him to stop the car.

      The three cars chased for a short time then the support, policemen on shift and bodyguards arrived, shots sound gradually was far away, the pursuing two cars lingered for a while after hearing siren then they went away.

      It was’t very safe for the child back home with bodyguards as night had coming, so after dicussing with head of hostage rescue group, Anton wrapped the kid by coat and secretly put him in his own car, instead he stuffed some clothes into the kid’ hat and jacket which was placed in the shift bodyguard’ car and looked far away people could see the kid’ cardinal hat above seat just like the kid in the car , then Anton laid down his car seat, quietly, unattractively took the kid back to his own house.

      “What’s wrong with you?”Rene asked with suspicion, felt Anton’ mind straying from the talk.
      Anton’ forehead and arm had slight abrasion; Rene pulled him and gave a look at wounds.
      “Fell down from horse, I have been treated.” Anton said.
      They separated immediately but Anton knew what Rene asked wasn’t the wounds that looked slightly.
      “What’s the matter?” Rene asked once again.

      “I don’t know,” Anton shook his head; “I thought I had seen some one……” he abruptly stopped, hesitantly to go on.
      “What? What people did you see?” Rene asked again.
      “I think I see Danny.” Anton said quietly
      “Who is Danny?” Rene asked, but at that moment, Rene remembered, a bygone record flashed through his mind, “oh, that boy!”
      Is that Yong’s kid?

      Anton’ shook his head again, “I don’t know……”
      He wasn’t certain of that.
      That was a moony figure in chaos, staring him behind a length of yard wall. As Anton mounting the horse he sensed it but when Anton turned back the figure had disappeared.
      Was that his illusion?
      Possibly, it just seemed like as, may be there wasn’t a figure at all.

      Rene watched him and didn’t say anything for a short time.
      “That kid is a pretty boy.” Then Rene changed the subject, “frightened, where his parents?” Rene pointed at upstairs and asked.
      “His parents had divorced; his mother was making film in Tokyo.”
      “Actress? It’s no wonder. ”
      “Guess it, he is whose child?”
      Rene shook head, he had no interests in stars.
      “Mina’ child”, Anton raised his eyebrows.
      Anton felt Rene apparently shocked, “which mina?” he asked. There were few things could make Rene looks different.
      “Anyone else?” Anton threw out his hands.
      Then he had no more time to talk about it but hastily holding out hand for ringing cordless telephone.

      Rene went away mirthlessly.
      Then Anton suddenly felt he was with a little heavy heart.

      Later Anton found Rene in bedroom upstairs.
      Rene kneed down beside bed and watching the deeply sleeping kid attentively.
      Anton was standing outside of the door, he couldn’t see Rene’ expression only noticed Rene was too closed to the kid. Seeing Rene’ hand put on the kid’ forehead, slender fingers slided over the kid’ eyebrows and nose, a thought flashed over Anton’ mind, he rushed in and dragged Rene away, “hi, what are you doing?”
      “Hush!” both of them turned to look at the bed at the same time.
      The boy was sleepy, after plunging and rolling over half of a night, the kid had a big drink of milk and lay sweetly asleep.

      Rene turned his head to see Anton’ expression, he didin’t say anything but smiled slightly and went down stairs.
      Anton closed the door quietly.

      They went to downstairs.
      There was a little room with glass roof connected to the hall. They sit down beside the table in the little room from where they could see the hall and the yard but the kid wouldn’t hear what they are talking about if he didn’t stand in front of them after waking up.

      “Later roger will come”, Anton said.
      “have I to leave?”
      “No, he come to get his stuff, his racket left here and he want to play tennis with his girlfriend this afternoon.”
      Rene looked at him and suddenly smiled—what he wanted to know only was wheather to leave or not, he didn’t care about other things at all.
      “What’s the matter?”, Anton curiously asked.
      Anton understood, he didn’t aware he explained very clear unconsiouslu as he saying.
      “Well”,Anton was disinclined to explain instead smiling,
      “Are you delibrate that day?” he asked Rene.

      They had a drink the day before yesterday, Rene called Anton to go but himself not to go.
      “No, I have something to do……my friend come to New York.” Rene replied.
      “Owen drinked a lot, in the end only two of us were left waiting for you.”Anton said.
      “well”, Rene avoided Anton’ sight, looking at staggered grain of table, “saying something, isn’t it?”

      “he drinked a plenty of wine and said he loved you!”,Anton gazing at Rene, evilly smiled.
      “well, I know,” Rene nodded.

      “he said he wanted to be with you. ”Anton stared at Rene and kept on slowly, “he also say he feel you have a king spirit and you are actually a unyielding person, you couldn’t beg for mercy to anybody but none of us find this virtue.”
      Rene made a very blank then shook head, “what the hell with absurdity”, he whispered, “I can beg to everyone ,the boy……”
      “He also said he wanted to go to Hollland with you”, Anton looked at Rene with a malicious air.
      “That is too stupid”, Rene bounced the table by hand with big anger.
      “Owen is just 23 years old”,Rene said suddenly, raised his head, looking at Anton severely.
      “how is it? Some people did much stupid thing in 20 years old”. Anton staired at Rene ironically.
      Rene laughed at once, he knew what Anton said was the involvement of Sam and himself and didn’t say anthing more.

      Anton was going on, “he also said he feel you must be well educated”, he ironically raised his eyebrow immediately, “you are the first man he have seen who can quote ancient proverb even ancient Chinese poem in conference”.
      “had I?” Rene scratched his head like a little bully, looked at Anton uncertainly as well as seriously, “had I do that, I didn’t remrember it at all”.
      Anton laughed immediately, “so do I ”.
      Probablely it was in some former conference, Rene supposed, he might say something unconsiously, “what happened later?”, he asked.

      “later what?no later”, Anton spread his hand, and said “you didn’t come until later midnight, so I sent him to a taxi.”
      “Why didn’t you bring him back?”
      Anton goggled at Rene, “what’s your point?”
      “Exactly my opinion”, Rene speaked slowly, “why you didn’t tackle him?”
      Anton was indignant all at once, “what person am I in your eyes?”
      “I am considering for him.”
      Anton couldn’t say anything but stairing at Rene ,
      “damned logic”, after a while he said.

      They were silent for a while.
      “why you incured him, too much leisure?” Anton remembered weeping Owen in night and recalled the scene in shooting range several days ago, asked Rene seriously.
      Rene forced a smile, “I did awared that in shooting range that day, before that I never pay attention to him.”
      “No, you didn’t.” Anton glared at Rene and suddenly asked, “do you like harvy?”
      Anton remembered once they were out he saw as Harvy passing by Rene’ eyes immediately followed him, other time Rene and Harvy went out together to arrest drug addicts and their behaviour in office every time.

      “well, yes.” Rene laughed and nodded to admit, “Actually, he was more open ans clear than you.”
      Rene remembered Harvy’ splendid blond in sunshine, “what can I do , though?”
      He laughed at himself, “I wouldn’t do anything, I want to live further.”

      “Then you dare to incur me?”
      Rene smiled rascally, “ I met you first, all right?”
      “Who met you first”, Anton thought in mind.
      “Otherwise I wouldn’t have that courage still.” Rene watched Anton and said.
      “Owen is uncommon, you should be with him, really” Rene said abrutly.
      “He graduated from Yale university, typical Ivy League student, has been law master in 22 years old. The only formal organization qualification in Secret Service belongs to him.”
      He glared at Anton and went on, “household is good as well, his father is New York senate, his mother is in department supervising……”
      “he loves you, why you do not go yourself?” Anton answered coldly.
      Rene looked at Anton for a moment, then gave him a fainted smile, “I just don’t like to be the top.”
      Then Rene got up to kitchen to put cup back.

      At that moment, the little boy emerged treading on a skateboard and brushed past Rene.
      “hi, getting up?” Rene hailed.
      “get out of the way”, the little boy shouted to Anton before answering Rene, “I found it upstairs!”

      The boy slided away then moved back, suddenly pulled out a DC from his pants pocket as skating passed Rene. He made a beautiful seperation from skateboard, leaping to the ground and faced to Rene to press DC shutter, then jumped up fast to the skateboard which sliding from Rene’ backside back, “oh! ”
      But there was no time for finishing the cheer, the boy’ wrist was buckled,
      “hand the DC out.”.
      It’s Rene lowering voice.

      “what?”the boy screamed.
      “hold it out and delete the picture.” Rene speaked seriously with a absolutely grim look.
      “you hurt me”, the boy struggled, “I won’t give you.”
      Rene forcibly lifted the boy in front of him and reached for the DC.

      “Hey! What are you doing?” Anton saw this and shouted behind them, he hastily found somewhere to put down cups.

      The little boy were nipped heavily and cried, “here , give you!”, he swinged his arm and throwing out the DC.
      The DC hit the wall and dropped on the ground. With a bounce, something shedded out from the machine and splited open.

      The boy get upstairs weeping with indignation.
      “what are you doing?” Anton asked with amazement and anger. He went upstairs hurrily to comfort the boy. None pf them perceived a shadow begun to move beside the window.

      (translated by Fei)
note 作者有话说
第3章 Chapter 51

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