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23、Chapter 60 ...

  •   Rene was having a meeting at 21floors when he received the call. It was said that the drug suppression group met a boy when they dealt case outside, who said that some guy detained a man may be a policeman, this message had not been confirmed.
      “Where they lived?” Rene asked at once, rushing towards elevator.

      On the 17 floors, only a few police of secret service were on duty, Matthew was waiting for him.
      “James and Harvey were both out, do we wait them?” Matthew asked him.
      “No waiting,” Rene shouted loud, “we go now, hurry!” He turned speaking to men on seat, “inform the area police station, Matthew, let’s go.” They went out as a whirlwind.

      There was a building located in urban area. All the men in the house were shocked as they rushed into the room after breaking the door. One guy rushed to the window to get weapon, another swung axe to Rene who was the first get in.
      The third rushed back to the inner door, Matthew noticed there were something behind the door, may be weapons, he followed up immediately, “frozen!” he shouted, and then the guy went to the pool and pouring a packet of whiting.
      The forth man stood near another door, he took up gun aiming at them, “stand back”, he swung his gun disconcertedly.
      Several police of area police station followed Rene and Matthew, waved their guns, confronting with these crazy rebellious thugs.

      Rene avoided the axe; first hit of foot kicked on the belly of that man, and then made one step to hold the wrist of the man with gun, bending his wrist fiercely. When he turned around, caught the sight of a man bundled up on the floor in the inner room, “Owen,” he shouted. Owen also saw him, he wrung fiercely.
      The gun man’s hand relaxed, the gun was taken off, “don’t let him alive,” then the man fallen on the floor, he suddenly shouted.
      In the inner room, Owen’ hand and feet were tied up, his mouth was plugged up either. He opened his eyes wide hastily, looking the tussle in the narrow space, then a ablaze dagger stabbing toward his face suddenly.
      “Ah…” Owen closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the sword dropping down------after waiting a long time, the sword didn’t fall down------ he opened his eyes, adhered to his forehead, a warm hand was holding the dagger against the cutting edge.

      Rene didn’t catch the pace; he held the dagger in emergency. He couldn’t loose hand, only exerted power to turn around the dagger and the man’s arm. At the moment, he noticed the cutting edge turning a circle in his hand then cutting into his flesh again, and then he kicked on the face of the man.
      At once, the tear flashed in Owen’ eyes, and then he became calm and courageous. He breathed angrily from nose, trying to stand up by retracting trembled legs.

      It was peaceful finally, Rene、Mathew and other police controlled the situation. Owen was released off, then he rushed to Rene abruptly, embracing Rene’s bundled injured hand.
      “Are you all right?’ some one spoke behind them, they turned back and found it was Harvey, he arrived as lifting his gun.
      As seeing their situation, Harvey nodded. He didn’t say anything but calling a car.

      In the room, those guys didn’t say anything but looking at the policeman.
      Matthew remembered when they came in there was a big bag full of stuff lied by their feet, and they all dressed off standing on the floor, it seemed they were going out. He squatted down and pulled the bag open, there were knives, ropes and packets in it. Matthew raised head and kicked fiercely to one front gangster; it showed they were going to tackle with Owen.

      “How are about you?” Harvey looked at Rene in the corner; the doctor was dealing his wounds now. He went to window and asked Owen instead, who was staring outside the window.
      “I fell something that day after work, when I backed I found Lipton……”
      “Shut up!” A snarl came aside.
      Owen was scared at his sounds, he turned to see, and “you could talk about it when we back.” Rene was watching at him.

      On the secret service, Owen followed up Rene, went into Harvey’ office.
      Outside the door, many people said hello to them and wanted to talk, Harvey spoke to them and led them away.

      Anton got the news afternoon, when he came back they already turned back. He stood away in the crowd, seeing the two men in the office crowd. His sight met Rene’s through the crowd. He saw Rene nodded to him, then went away with Harvey and rushed colleagues.

      In a blinked time, only two men stayed in the office. The door was closed and no man could come in to disturb them.
      Rene sat in Harvey’ chair, looking at Owen on opposite; He was following him all along, worry and panic were full of his eyes which seemed as a little animal’s, his two hands were holding his injured hand along.

      Owen became caring about Lipton after hearing the matter the house offices and Lipton towards Secret office. That day he turned back of falling something then found Lipton unexpected slipped into Secret service office and copied the data from Roger’s computer. He traced Lipton quietly, from office to parking lots until the place Lipton met someone, and then he received the phone call from James, he was found at last.
      Rene and Harvey made a record for him by themselves.

      Rene held hand to touch his head, “It’s OK, don’t worry,” he stared at Owen’s eyes and said. He wanted to let Owen go, then he hesitated and the words didn’t go out.
      Tears dropped on his hands.

      “Owen,” a while later, Rene spoke again, “Wash ton wants a police, I recommend you.”
      “?” Owen’ face turned to white immediately, he threw off his hands and wanted to leave, “are you driving me away?” his tears dropped down again, “you…”
      Rene held his good hand catching him from back, “no.”
      Owen stood still, when his body was touched by Rene.

      “Rene, I like you.” A short time later, Owen said. His tears dropped down soundlessly.
      Owen finally turned back, he sat down feebly in the opposite seat, “Rene, I am going crazy,”
      He said and raised head to look Rene.

      On the time Rene looked at Owen quietly.
      The expression of Owen was as desperation or imploration, or something else waiting for his reply.
      A long time later, Rene nodded, “I know.”
      He was familiar with the expression and understood the feeling.
      “But I couldn’t give you anything.” He said.
      “You should have you own future; I can’t give you much thing. Owen, you know what I mean, you are clever.” Rene said.
      “I can quit from here.”
      In a minute, Rene was astonished; he watched at Owen amazedly, he didn’t think he would do such thing, “you…”

      “I could be not a policeman, I can give up.” Owen kept on at a stash as looking at him, “I read 7years in law school, I want to go frontier, and I asked to come here. I can go to high court, but I want to stay frontier first years, I believe I can accumulate many experience.
      “If you give me a chance, all these I can give up. I could find a job again if you think I hinder you here.” Rene found he was looking at himself inquiringly

      “I had fund from children; I could raise my self without work.”
      “Or I could help you dredged through block, improve your position, and bring something you want.” Owen gazed at him wishfully.

      At that moment Rene felt a little puzzled, why everybody thought he was full of ambition?
      “What, what do I want?” he asked in confusion.

      “You are very young in you rank; you seemed clever, serious, and difficult to get with, subtle------many people thought you are, but I don’t think so. I think you are the same with me.”
      “You…” Rene looked at him in shock.
      “Give me a chance.”
      My god! Rene was in extremely astonishment.

      “Rene, you are 36 years old, you have no girlfriend. Otherwise you wouldn’t on duty every holiday.”
      “……” That had been past two years. He must heard from old colleague from old department. Rene was soundless.
      “You said you didn’t care man or woman, so it isn’t about the gender, right?”
      “That was playing joke with Roger.” Rene said difficultly.
      That was at the last case, there was a witness who was a actor dancing in broadways, he often sent tickets to Roger as the case finished. When Roger was in cold war with his girlfriend Wendy, so they joked with Roger, said they didn’t mind Roger’ new lover is a dancer.
      “Probably, you may not mind it’s a man,” Owen’ eyes shined, “you may know clearly you are, even you ever have a homo-lover, right?” He looked at Rene.
      “Why don’t you give me a chance?”

      “……You are so simple.” Rene spoke in his beards.
      “I know, you had been a spy for many years, and then in falcon, you experienced many things.”
      “Owen, I had experienced many things, you couldn’t accept it. Once you know, you couldn’t accept.” In that moment, he felt a little fidgety; shit! They had been talking this in the office.
      “I can accept it, and I could accept anything.”
      Jesus! He closed his eyes, turned to see downstairs, what had I done!”
      He turned around, said nothing for a while, and then said, “You go out, and we will have a talk tonight.”
      Owen nodded and went out.

      A short time later, Harvey pulled in lightly, “you, how to deal with…?” He asked him.
      Rene looked at Harvey, “how can I deal with it?”
      Could be that everyone find it? He remembered every time he sat down near the water fountain which was just opposite to Owen, and he was so stupid to aware it.

      “You let him go?” Harvey said softly, inclined head outside, “he was packing up.”
      “No, I said talking to him tonight.” Rene got up from seat, returned the office to Harvey.
      Harvey looked at his exhausted face, “you take a rest.”
      Rene nodded, “uh, thank you.”
      “Hi,” they stood in center of the office, when Harvey called him from behind.
      ‘What?” Rene turned around.
      “We thing in privately he is insightful, and has courage enough.” Harvey smiled.

      In the evening, on the fork road near Owen’s home, Rene was waiting for Owen roadside, the taxi was just went back.

      Owen went face to him. He wore sky-blue knitwear, very causal pants, “did you have supper?” he asked.
      Rene was in a trance, watching at Owen. He never saw Owen in casual dress; Owen seemed more young and energetic, as students wandering under sunshine in college. “I had meal already.” He said.
      “Uh,” Owen nodded, “We will go home and get the key first.”

      “Owen!” Rene called him from behind.
      “I don’t want to listen.” Owen turned his head half back, tears dropped down from his cheek, “I know you could show your principle again and again, refuse me once time and time, and I don’t want to hear your justification.”
      “You don’t know how many people had liked me; since I was a kid from in school……I didn’t ever rap to anyone!” Owen suppressed his tears and turned back to say, “I know many people love them, but I love you!”
      Rene had to follow with him.

      Rene followed with Owen to his room for the key; on the way they met a man whose hair a half white. The man called to them, “hi!”
      Rene said hello to him.
      They came out again.
      Owen threw his coat into back seat, jumping into the car, which was a blue car, matching with his jacket’s color.

      “That is my father.” He initiated the car, “he knows it, I told him, and I told him everything.”
      Rene shocked again, “what?” he couldn’t help turning back to see.

      The car stopped after turning several bends, parked outside a club which was showing good taste.
      Twilight rose, air also was in beautiful light blue. Sea wind flew over making space vast.
      It was quiet in the club, the music played softly, lamp light flashed silently.
      “Do you want something else?” Owen asked him after they sat beside the bar counter.
      “No.” Rene said.
      Owen called something eat for himself, and then called two cup wine. As the wine was put up, Owen at once drank a big mouth stubbornly.

      “Owen, such thing couldn’t be in reluctance.”
      “But you had said that you don’t mind gender.”
      “That is because……” Rene wondered why Owen always considered a joke as a real thing.
      “Love is the love, I just love you, love you, so what isn’t it?” as Rene said, he was interrupted by Owen’ angry query.
      Rene looked around, men in pairs and no one raised head to see them.

      “Owen……” he wanted to say it was absolutely impossible for them, but the expression on the face he was familiar with. He got a heartache and didn’t say anything.
      “What do you want to say?” Owen said, “you repeat what you had experienced, how complicated you are, right?” he goggled at Rene, “except adding my love to you, anything else?” he turned head to drink testily.
      “I am missing you day and night!”

      Rene sensed his senility for the first time.
      ‘I will ruin you.” He said at last.
      Owen stared at him, then turned away to drink again.

      “Owen, what you need isn’t a…” Rene said hesitantly.
      “If you need sex only……”
      “You mean I only need someone to fuck me, right?” Owen watched at him angrily, “did you mean that?” his eyes were full of tear again, “so you let Anton being with me? You think you like him, so everyone would love him?” he said it disgusted, “or you thought I can be with any person!” he seemed a little drunk, suddenly standing up and striding to a man beside, holding hand to embrace him, the man and his companion were all looked at him curiously.
      “Sorry”. Rene said to them and pulled Owen back.
      Rene pulled him back to his own seat, “listen, you are only 23, and I am 36 already. When you are 43 I will be 56 old. When I am unable, you are still young.” He tried to speak in ridicule tone to reverse the heavy topic.
      “But that isn’t the most important.” Owen said seriously, “that isn’t important.”
      “Listen, that is very important.”
      “Do you mean you are unable,” Owen asked back, “or you more like some one over you?”
      “Well, I can do that.” Owen shook him, “or you like SM…”

      God! Rene got a shock! I was indeed ruining him, leading him to darkness. Just as now, he would become ruthless and cruel, not like himself anymore.
      Then he said his worry, “look, being with me, you will become ruthless and cruel, not as yourself anymore, I don’t want to see that. We together will be tired.” It was indeed a heavy task of in charge of this young man for a whole life.
      “With whom you aren’t tired? Is it Anton? You damned. With him, you will ruin yourself.”
      Rene looked at him with no expression, “you drink too much.”
      “I didn’t. Owen handed up to call wine again.”

      “Couldn’t you calm down for a night?” Rene stopped the waiter, then took the cup away from the boy” hand, “you are just on impulse, don’t on impulse, all right?”
      “It’s no way to remove you, all right?” Owen said.
      They looked at each other for a while.
      “OK, I give up, you win!” Owen turned to go to the car suddenly.

      Rene drove the car by his good hand, sent Owen to home.
      In the bedroom, Owen haunted him for a long time. Rene made great efforts to take off Owen’ coat and shoes then finally let him fall asleep.

      When he was out, he met Owen’s parents, Owen recognized Owen’s Mum in first sight.
      “Sorry.” The woman was taken aback as seeing Rene, then she seemed a little embarrassed by meeting Rene in accident, “Henry and I thought you might not come back.”
      “……” Rene didn’t know what to say, the Mum unexpected apologized to him in her own house.
      “He had slept.” At last he could only say this, holding out his hands, putting down the car key on the table.

      “We are very sorry to bother you.” Owen’s mother said. She looked easy-going with a dedicated short Marcel hair.
      Rene shook head, “it doesn’t matter, and let him sleep.” He looked aside; Owen’s father was looking at him with smile.

      “Thank you, I know you will deal it very well.” Before he left, the father held his hand, saying this to him then looking him down the steps.

      Rene went to the crossing to wait taxi, he couldn’t help turning back to see the house: “if there is no family here, no parents here, then what will happened to the boy?” he thought.

      translated by Fei

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