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22、Chapter 59 ...

  •   In the room, when Anton cleaned himself back, Jimmy was still groveling there and gasped hastily, tasting the rocking just past.
      His Adam’ apple trembled, muttering to him,
      “It’s too wonderful, Anton,” he gasped, “You are so great, well done!”
      Anton remembered Jimmy cried again that moment; he stroked his eyes and asked,
      “Are you OK?”
      Jimmy shook his head, “no”, he crooned, holding out a feeble hand to pull Anton’s hand to his mouth, sucking softly and said, “Baby, you are so good, I love you so much…”
      Shit! Hearing Jimmy called him this name, Anton was gooseflesh all over, “Do you want it again?” He drew-off his hand suddenly and flitted over Jimmy’s ear.
      A tremble flew from Jimmy’s ear to his whole body as a electricity, “no, don’t, we will go to work tomorrow,” he closed his eyes and gasped with mouth open widely.
      “But I want it.” Anton looked at Jimmy’s death look, feeling there was full of fighting spirit again of his penis; he knelt down on the bed by one leg.

      “You said it was one night, but no times, all right? Jimmy?” Anton joked, looked down to the seductive body, “you should comply with the basic professional ethics, if you want to make ideals, right?” His hand patted on Jimmy’s standing buttocks.
      Jimmy chilled, “you are so……”

      “Come on,” Anton pulled up Jimmy drowsily.
      “But I really can’t……” Jimmy crooned lowly, and then the giant stuff had got to his mouth.
      “Ok or not, I say.” Jimmy aware a rusty voice speaking near his ear as he held his hot stuff with gasp, Jimmy stroked it and adhered his lips to it, “ you are so good, ” he said shakily, then the rest sound was blocked in his throat, turned out to be a vague moan.

      The struggle between day and night always is no winner.
      As the kingdom of night had just been away, then the emperor of day arrived, with his brilliant crown, declaring his rules to the world again.

      In the building of Gemini, Rene received the call from 17th floor near midday, Owen was disappeared.
      Rene went hurriedly downstairs, found many guys were looking for Owen, all the connecters of combined actions were Owen’ responsibility. When they were at the busiest time then found Owen disappeared.

      “He didn’t come here two days, with no leave.”
      “How was his home?” René asked.
      ‘Owen lives in his parents; it has three days he didn’t back home.”

      Rene remembered he met Owen that afternoon after he received Owen’ call that morning in forest hotel, then Owen disappeared since that time.

      “James said that day Owen was the last left, and rang him back later.”
      “Where is James?” Rene looked around.
      “He led the second group out.”
      “Owen should send a schedule to James that night, then he called suddenly, said he had something to do, and would send it the next morning.”
      “Then he didn’t come the next day, James guessed he had some troubles.”
      “Where is Owen when he called James?” Rene asked.
      “I don’t know, James said his voice was very little.”
      “We have been looking for him.” The colleague of secret service said.

      Then the phone suddenly rang, they went to take it at the same time,
      “Damned, something went wrong again!”
      “Drug suppression group and anti-triad group men were hurt!”
      “Harvey got empty!”
      There were several actions had been ruined since the last explosion happened.
      “Shit! There was surely a spy here.” The secret service rushed loudly.
      Rene’s phone rang, he went out.

      Anton put down the phone, and then went to see White.

      Shit! There was man died, followed Scott Lynch.
      White was in his office, he threw a pile of photo to Anton,
      “We sent a spy, following a man having relationships with Scott Lynch, and then he got to Scott Lynch’ place, we had no his message any more. Then we knew he died yesterday.”
      White said a place name, “there was near the forest, and would not be long after he leaving Scott Lynch’ place before he died. Now we seal that zero at all.”

      “Hi, what about you” White found Anton got a little walk.
      “Uh, nothing, go on.” Anton said.
      White kept talking about it, “Damned, if some one go to see Scott Lynch, then some one would die for sure. The underworld’s, the up world’s, and ours man.” He lighted his lighter with a pang, “We don’t know how many people would die.”

      Anton awaked as hearing the place name, he didn’t pay attention to White’ words subsequently, because that place was just close to the forest hotel.

      He remembered that day when they had dinner downstairs, Jimmy received a phone call
      “Yeah, I am close to there now, woo, and then, turn to which direction?” Jimmy left seat as he took the call, he went to window and looked out to the broad way.
      Scott Lynch would stay there that day. A scene flashed through Anton’ mind,
      “I will go out afternoon, and then come back.” Jimmy said, and that day he returned until night.

      “I am just going to here rightly…” Jimmy said.
      What was he going to do here? Or it was because of the secret service, it was almost no possibility.
      He remembered the shape of Jimmy’s naked back that morning, then, he would be together with Scott Lynch that afternoon.

      “All I want to know is where he is? Who has seen him? Then there are past half people would not die. If I could locate Scott Lynch, now I am staging around all night.” White had been going on when Anton came back.
      “White, I will consider your problem carefully these days, and then give you a answer.” At last Anton promised White, left hurriedly.

      On night, Anton was with Rene.
      “You call me, it’s unusual.”
      “En,” Anton nodded.
      “Then you weren’t enjoying enough, yesterday, all right?” Rene sat down with smile, holding out hand.
      Anton moved his hand away, “I want to see you.”

      Rene smiled as looking at Anton’ face, holding his hand again, “Why is you so serious?”
      “What about the combined action of groups? I heard there were something happened.”
      Rene moved his hand back, nodding, “En”. He had heard those rumors certainly, he thought. He knew Roger and James and other people only obeyed Anton, no matter where was him.
      “Owen is missing, do you heard it?” Rene talked about it initiatively, “that night we received his telephone call.”

      “En, did he have some problem?” Anton remembered that morning.
      “Did he guess out?” Anton asked as seeing the expression of Jimmy after he cut off the phone.
      “I don’t know.” Rene threw down the phone. It’s nothing serious, and let it be.
      “I don’t know what he wants to do,’ Rene flung his necktie, went up to bathroom.

      “Jimmy, why did you go to rescue Sam at that time?” Anton asked abruptly?
      Rene astonished by the problem, he turned to see Anton at that place.
      Anton was gazing him motionlessly.
      Rene looked at Anton’s face; he didn’t say anything for a while, then back and sat down against the wall.
      In the dim light, Anton was going on, “he must be very important to you? Isn’t it?” He said slowly, selected words carefully, in order not to disturb the man lowering his head, “Alex told me that when you came back, you were very missing him…you closed yourself in the house, for many days…”
      Rene still sat on the floor. He contracted his shoulder and lowered his head, not saying a word. Anton could see his face.
      “You love him, very much?” Anton hesitated, still using the word, “or you are…….”
      “Hum...” Anton saw that man raising his face, shaking head to him, smiling helpless, “do you think I was so stupid? Still missed him after the breakup?” He said to Anton.
      “In fact, at that time,” Rene lowered his head, “the only thing I was thinking about is why I was still alive?”
      “Love?” he smiled ironically, “who would believe it? Do you believe that stuff?” Jimmy raised his head and looked to Anton, feeling his own eyes warm, “between two men? Or man with woman? I don’t trust them at all.”

      Anton watched at Jimmy quietly. It’s dismal and he didn’t see Jimmy’s face clearly.

      “people’s heart is as deep as ocean, Anton you couldn’t unknown it.” Jimmy looked at him, smiled spicily.
      At once, this words frozen Anton, he saw a light flashed as a smile in Jimmy’s erogenous eyes, and then he found Jimmy’s eyes fainted.

      “For many years, I asked myself sometimes, did it worth what I was doing this way?” Jimmy looked at other side wall, kept speaking.
      “If it went back many years ago, everything was still at the beginning, I would do the same thing-I think. It was always this answer every time I asked myself.”
      Jimmy sighed softly, “it’s not because of the love, but this is the only thing I can do that time.”

      “If I didn’t went to save him, then I would died long ago, even not lived till now.” He smiled feebly, then tears flashed in his eyes, he remembered the sight of Higgins which was full of lust and hostile all the time, and the dim rain on that city…..
      “then I didn’t know how long I could live, you know, in that city, in that surroundings, I don’t know whether I could back after going out every time.”

      As the light fainted gradually, the warmness in day was reducing.
      Anton kept watching quietly at the man standing against the wall.

      “And I am afraid, I would soon do everything, obey the desire, the thirsty, ” Jimmy said hardly a while, he remembered the time after he left Sam when the desire coming and hitting him like to swallow him totally. He looked at Anton feebly, “I know I can’t resist it, I would turn to the worst thing……”
      “I understood it early time, I was damned inferiority!” He scolded himself ruthlessly.

      “And I was taking drug, you know,” he sneered, “unable to quit,” Jimmy turn back, saw Anton watching him, then he shook head, “you could not understand.”
      “It need money for living, for drug quit, I have to sell myself.” Jimmy talked about it flatly.
      “But the body had much secretion, you had to take a little drug when selling in order not to so disgusted, do you know?”
      “It’s alternative, you can’t stop it.” His voice lowered, “I could only see me broken.”

      “I don’t want to be that, ” a while later, he spoke again, “I prefer to die if I had to be that.”

      “I want Sam dying,” then he said after a short time, his voice came through quietly in darkness.
      “No matter what he had done, I really don’t hope he died
      “If it comes again, I don’t know whether there is the third way. What I know is my death is better than his.” He retracted his knees quickly, rubbing his eyes and went up to go away.

      “Then Laine brought you away from Higgins, you were with him, right?” Anton queried Jimmy. This question he had asked Alex before, but Alex’ answer was obscurity.

      “No, it’s some one else.” Jimmy sneered, he threw down his shirt, went to bathroom, leaving Anton alone in darkness.

      Anton noticed the room cold down.
      “What a shit of love and eternity, they believe it neither.
      He went up and opened the light, “hi, listen to me, my old colleague told me that two men died on street near the club, you should be careful.”

      “Woo,” Jimmy nodded, stretched out a half body then retracted it back.
      “Which night hasn’t died man in New York?” Anton heard Jimmy talked to himself, shutting the door, then the flow sound coming through the door gap.

      Anton turned to see the two phones on the table. They were Jimmy’s, one was black and another was silver.
      Anton knew Jimmy used the silver one more, he sighed soundlessly, then got the black one, closed-down it quickly, then opened the back cover, unveiled the brand and inserted a micro localizer without making a little noise.
      The localizer was he asked from technology department, which was designed for tracing only located in phone. It was tiny almost no weight added to phone.

      It was necessary to use it, when White was in emergency, Anton thought. It would be an effective method to find Scott Lynch.

      Anton started the phone immediately, and then put the phone on the table as it was before.

      translated by Fei

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