前两日陪着俺妹去逛街,到星巴克去喝咖啡时,看见一个老外在里头打魔兽;俺一面从那老外背后撸过一面说:“Intreseting,I’v never saw anyone play World of Warcraft in the StarBuaks~”
那老外惊奇回头: “Oh,u play this game either?”
俺:“Yeaaaaaap~u sounds like a British~”
老外:“……u sounds like an American……”
俺:“= =……I grew up in there……”
老外:“Oh,wait,u said u play WOW either?”
俺:“Yeeeeeees……= =”
老外:“Fantastic!Than u can play with me!”
俺于是凑过去一看,喔唷,不错嘛,暗夜精灵猎人嘛;于是俺正义凛然地告诉那英国佬:“Oh I wish I could play with u……But I am an Undead Warlock……R u sure u wanna to play with me?Loc’tar Org’ar!”
老外:“= =”然后默默地转过头去玩儿游戏了……
另:【Loc’tar Org’ar】是兽人语,意思是【为了部落!战斗!】,而老外的暗夜精灵是联盟,于是我们俩其实应该在战场上见面而不是【play together】……
再另:明日家族聚会过中秋= =后天更新并且外送中秋特辑……