And I would…I would pretend I was a princess…trapped in a tower by a wicked queen.and then suddenly,this knight…on a white horse,with these colours flying.would come charging up and draw his sword.and I would wave,and he would climb up the tower and rescue me。 我很喜欢《风月俏佳人》里面的这句对白,有种令人哀伤的淡淡的情绪,或许每个女孩儿都是灰姑娘,等待着她的王子来救她
网友:素 打分:2 [2010-08-02 09:46:38]
And I would…I would pretend I was a princess…trapped in a tower by a wicked queen.and then suddenly,this knight…on a white horse,with these colours flying.would come charging up and draw his sword.and I would wave,and he would climb up the tower and rescue me。