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首页>《彩虹的重力》  第4章

网友:karen 打分:2 [2010-01-02 01:04:49]

What is 福柯?


[1楼] 作者回复 [2010-01-02 05:22:20]

呵呵,是 Michel Foucault啊。法国哲学家,在国内也很有名的。


[2楼] 网友:karen [2010-01-02 06:22:25]

Oh I see, a philosopher! 季老师 will defintely not be threatened if 彩虹 wants to discuss the meaning of life with him.


[3楼] 作者回复 [2010-01-02 10:22:58]

I often did that to my teacher^_^, lots of fun!


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