To You, I’ve got tons of work, but that can be put aside. Thought about writing this in Mandarin, but hey, I can’t quite articulate with Mandarin so here I am typing. ? ? To be told something you held so dear, and thought would never die will be gone forever is heartbreaking. Something you grew up with will be erased because of political correctness, sacrificed for capitalism. The LGBTQ community, as least in western countries do campaign well enough for the capitalists to notice and have Pride Day/Pride Month. (I have nothing against them, but how DC has tried to appease the community…nah).? ? I can feel the love you have for Superman in your words. This is the bond or feeling I’ve never had with a fictional character. But he seems so real under your pen…feels like he is a crucial part of your identity. The only experience close to this (well not really, I’m not that into Star Wars) was Disney’s take on the Star Wars franchise. Portraying Luke as this paranoid old man, cutting out the Skywalkers, downgrading Darth Vader to this boy who needed to smash things to prove himself (?? I refused to view the sequels as cannon. They don’t exist for me. ? You construct this world, the DC universe with such love and care. I can feel it. You seem like such a fun person to be with. As a stranger on the other side of the world, your work brings warmth. Elia (I’m assuming this is her English name& how to spell it) is like our daughter, we look at her grow, we make choices that make who she is.? It brings me back to my childhood. I remember watching Batman and Joker, the Justice League, Teen Titans, and so much more. ? 至于刀p超,时代的眼泪是要干涸蒸发的。我们熟知的角色有可能会死,可能会走向我们拒绝的结局,可能会做作为读者无法接受的事情,可能会被雪藏……但是我们都会记得这个角色打动自己的那个瞬间,他们作为角色作为人‘活过来’的那个刹那,这就够了。对我来说这就够了。?反正,我粉的角色没多少戏份又死的早。咱都是生活的汪洋里的一叶扁舟,我们可以努力划船,但是有些事情我们并不能掌控。(我都在说些什么啊 ? ?Honestly, I understand if you do not want to continue with this story. It’s fine. We all want to stay away from things that remind us of our painful past. Hey, I used to love badminton when I was grade seven. After my mom forced me out, I’ve loathed it and refused to play it for years. I loved it, but also felt the resentment every time I picked up the racket. “I was good back in the day” I would think. Here I am, five years later. Finally willing to go and play some badminton, willingly. Maybe you will come back someday and think about how Superman fondly. I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m emotional. Things are crashing down. It’s ok to walk away. But remember, if you do decide to continue the story. I’ll be back. I’ll be there. Throughout the years, some authors have disappeared without a word. Every now and then, I’d go and take a look, hoping there’s some new content.?反正,抱抱jpg?爱你! Incoherent as always, Some reader across the ocean, trying to survive first year Uni?(到时看我这有多少英语词被jj屏蔽吧。躺平jpg 我输了三次验证码也没过,暴躁jpg
呜呜呜来晚了请原谅我! 好真挚好真挚好真挚真的好真挚!!!感觉你把一颗温柔的心脏碰到了我的面前!我觉得我们也心灵贴贴! 先祝福一下学业,我懂,从开学起就接连不断的repo、assign、presentation,还有各种quiz、essay、team work…… 先让康娜娜给你上个氪星脑袋buff(? - 的确是heartbreaking,就是那种硬生生被break的感觉,我其实也没有认为会【would never die】,但是以这种方式彻底消失是我真的没想过的。 我甚至不愿意用sacrificed这个单词,因为这不是牺牲,这就是谋sha,Superman was murdered. 更要命的是,从接二连三的糟糕消息看来,这不是一桩案件,这直接是Killing Season. 如果翻翻专栏,我其实更多的是写耽美的,虽然是剧情流啦感情戏不多,但终究也是耽美小说;言情bg向我是真的太久太久没有接触了,我很明白二次元的同性与三次元的LGBTQ是完全分开的,但是我其实一直是偏向支持LGBTQ的,然而这种越来越极端的zzzq实在是让我很难不对这个群体多少有一些无能为力之下的迁怒,我不是反对这个,但是人毕竟是情绪化的。 - I can feel the love you have for Superman in your words. This is the bond or feeling I’ve never had with a fictional character. But he seems so real under your pen. 呜呜呜眼泪快流出来了,这句话对一个同人写手来说真的太直击心灵了,谢谢你,真的谢谢你,呜呜呜谢谢你!!你好好!!大声!谢谢你!!! - 艾蕾的英文拼写其实在13章出现过一次_(:з」∠)_ 【那个已经无限远去的声音回答你:“All right, Arie, have a good dream.”】 Arya:艾丽娅 Select:斯莱克特 Arie:艾蕾→并且艾蕾还有个谐音的单词!你想想alley 总之本名昵称其实全是有意义哒! - 我的童年是TAS的超人和蝙蝠侠!其实还有小蜘蛛w 其他的DC动画是有网络后从网上看的。 唉,那个时候真好啊。 - 我现在就是在疯狂洗脑我们在平行宇宙了。 对,我们不在主宇宙,我们的这个平行宇宙被彩虹小丑团入侵了。 所以主宇宙的超还好好地!! 可恶…… - 我之前是真的感觉完全写不下去了,看,艾蕾这边没更,就连主更的V文那边我也没更,停了10天,因为这种直接打击我的状态不是说仅限于综英美文,而是完全伤害到了我的创作热情,创作就不仅局限于同人或原创了,DC编辑社同为创作者的这种做法真的是让我很接受,就是很难接受,所以就是很痛苦,很难过,如你所说,We all want to stay away from things that remind us of our painful past. 我喜欢back in the day这个说法. 很开心听到你与羽毛球重归于好啦!和幼年时的朋友贴贴是童话一般的大蛋糕呢! 你弄得我也很情绪化,就,你的这篇长评我看了好多次,包括只是看,也包括小声地读,我读了一遍又一遍。 如最新章所说,我决定要继续这个故事啦!(呜哇还看到了你的糖果和补分!!!开心地ruarua翅膀呀! 希望今后也能和你一起贴贴!一起继续玩耍! 我也爱你.jpg 不过我超级不赞同是Incoherent!明明就是超级超级超级温柔的用心灵写出来的午后暖阳! - 一般来说first year和last year会最忙(仅个人经验!),first year要适应与高中的不同,last year除去专业分的越来越细致也越来越难的学业,还有实习工作等问题。 总之,就氪星人的脑子给你!(? 呜呜呜真的好爱你!!! 不要嫌我话多(x 就,你好好啊!!大声!!
网友:赚钱养猫 打分:2 [2021-10-23 07:49:58]
To You,
I’ve got tons of work, but that can be put aside. Thought about writing this in Mandarin, but hey, I can’t quite articulate with Mandarin so here I am typing. ?
To be told something you held so dear, and thought would never die will be gone forever is heartbreaking. Something you grew up with will be erased because of political correctness, sacrificed for capitalism. The LGBTQ community, as least in western countries do campaign well enough for the capitalists to notice and have Pride Day/Pride Month. (I have nothing against them, but how DC has tried to appease the community…nah).?
I can feel the love you have for Superman in your words. This is the bond or feeling I’ve never had with a fictional character. But he seems so real under your pen…feels like he is a crucial part of your identity. The only experience close to this (well not really, I’m not that into Star Wars) was Disney’s take on the Star Wars franchise. Portraying Luke as this paranoid old man, cutting out the Skywalkers, downgrading Darth Vader to this boy who needed to smash things to prove himself (?? I refused to view the sequels as cannon. They don’t exist for me.
You construct this world, the DC universe with such love and care. I can feel it. You seem like such a fun person to be with. As a stranger on the other side of the world, your work brings warmth. Elia (I’m assuming this is her English name& how to spell it) is like our daughter, we look at her grow, we make choices that make who she is.? It brings me back to my childhood. I remember watching Batman and Joker, the Justice League, Teen Titans, and so much more.
? ?Honestly, I understand if you do not want to continue with this story. It’s fine. We all want to stay away from things that remind us of our painful past. Hey, I used to love badminton when I was grade seven. After my mom forced me out, I’ve loathed it and refused to play it for years. I loved it, but also felt the resentment every time I picked up the racket. “I was good back in the day” I would think. Here I am, five years later. Finally willing to go and play some badminton, willingly. Maybe you will come back someday and think about how Superman fondly. I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m emotional. Things are crashing down. It’s ok to walk away. But remember, if you do decide to continue the story. I’ll be back. I’ll be there. Throughout the years, some authors have disappeared without a word. Every now and then, I’d go and take a look, hoping there’s some new content.?反正,抱抱jpg?爱你!
Incoherent as always,
Some reader across the ocean, trying to survive first year Uni?(到时看我这有多少英语词被jj屏蔽吧。躺平jpg
[1楼] 网友:桃金娘加州桂 [2021-10-23 12:44:37]
[2楼] 作者回复 [2021-10-28 03:05:30]
先祝福一下学业,我懂,从开学起就接连不断的repo、assign、presentation,还有各种quiz、essay、team work……
的确是heartbreaking,就是那种硬生生被break的感觉,我其实也没有认为会【would never die】,但是以这种方式彻底消失是我真的没想过的。
我甚至不愿意用sacrificed这个单词,因为这不是牺牲,这就是谋sha,Superman was murdered.
更要命的是,从接二连三的糟糕消息看来,这不是一桩案件,这直接是Killing Season.
I can feel the love you have for Superman in your words. This is the bond or feeling I’ve never had with a fictional character. But he seems so real under your pen.
【那个已经无限远去的声音回答你:“All right, Arie, have a good dream.”】
我之前是真的感觉完全写不下去了,看,艾蕾这边没更,就连主更的V文那边我也没更,停了10天,因为这种直接打击我的状态不是说仅限于综英美文,而是完全伤害到了我的创作热情,创作就不仅局限于同人或原创了,DC编辑社同为创作者的这种做法真的是让我很接受,就是很难接受,所以就是很痛苦,很难过,如你所说,We all want to stay away from things that remind us of our painful past.
我喜欢back in the day这个说法.
一般来说first year和last year会最忙(仅个人经验!),first year要适应与高中的不同,last year除去专业分的越来越细致也越来越难的学业,还有实习工作等问题。
[3楼] 作者回复 [2021-10-28 03:27:29]
2 [投诉]