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首页>《穿********)》  第64章

网友:XbelovedX 打分:2 [2008-12-05 16:47:12]

I'm finally able to read this chapter. ^0^
its much faster to type in english cause i'm horrible at spelling chinese...
lol. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite! though i'm not really a fan of classics...i love reading fan fictions with settings in Europe. that's what I meant. lol. apparantly European settings are not that popular T_T...
back to the story.i'm anxious to know,
when are they going to meet and confess???
and when's the first kiss??!!
can't wait. update soon!作者回复:
fan fictions? do u mean such as dragons? magic? sth like that? i rarely read such novels...except lord of rings. haha i love that movie~~
meet and confess? well, kiss~~~well this... well that... i can't tell~~~~kaka~~~~~well, if i tell, it won't be fun, right?
by the way, where r u?


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