苏是个善良的女孩子,而且爱萧申太深了,否则萧伯母就应该让她自生自灭,要么 ------------------------------------------ 误伤,要么去录口供,那么萧伯母也能走错一步路了,无法回头了 It's so confused that I read many times, then figure out that should be 否则就应该让萧伯母她自生自灭........................ Anyway, this is a good article and comment, and I like it
网友:lei 打分:2 [2006-02-23 01:30:08]
It's so confused that I read many times, then figure out that should be 否则就应该让萧伯母她自生自灭........................
Anyway, this is a good article and comment, and I like it