the reason I 直接引用 is not because I like your article. the computer I am using cannot input Chinese, and I disagree your idea too much to keep silence.
I want to say to Mr./Ms. dyl:
Miss 鸦’s 悲剧 is not because of 封建礼教. you overstated the story. Her sad life is based on her own character, or maybe the bad mood of the writer.
网友:dyl 评论:《鸦鸢祭》 打分:2 发表时间:2005-04-20 12:57:10 所评章节:4 (点击阅读)
网友:byh 打分:0 [2005-04-21 23:21:37]
the reason I 直接引用 is not because I like your article. the computer I am using cannot input Chinese, and I disagree your idea too much to keep silence.
I want to say to Mr./Ms. dyl:
Miss 鸦’s 悲剧 is not because of 封建礼教. you overstated the story. Her sad life is based on her own character, or maybe the bad mood of the writer.
网友:dyl 评论:《鸦鸢祭》 打分:2 发表时间:2005-04-20 12:57:10 所评章节:4 (点击阅读)