试想想,歪瓜裂枣那个爱? - Don't agree. 一句话概括,吃人家的粮,打人家的娃。 - Agree. 我小时候,也有一个一起长大的男孩儿, who lived on the first floor where I lived on 4th floor of the same building. We were 6-year preliminary school classmates, 3-year middle school schoolmates, and 3-year high school classmates. He was very shy and only played with one girl - me, when we were in preliminary school. Very happy memories - we always compete to see who eated the candies fastor. Well, two years ago (about 15 years after we graduated from high school) when I met him again, the grown-up guy is totally not my 青海种马 any more - he told me that he went to the bar to find girls, which was unbelieveable to me. Anyway, now I realize that the reason why we met our 青海种马, not because of the looking, but because of the desitany.
网友:Lin 打分:0 [2007-10-16 03:37:03]
试想想,歪瓜裂枣那个爱? - Don't agree. 一句话概括,吃人家的粮,打人家的娃。 - Agree. 我小时候,也有一个一起长大的男孩儿, who lived on the first floor where I lived on 4th floor of the same building. We were 6-year preliminary school classmates, 3-year middle school schoolmates, and 3-year high school classmates. He was very shy and only played with one girl - me, when we were in preliminary school. Very happy memories - we always compete to see who eated the candies fastor. Well, two years ago (about 15 years after we graduated from high school) when I met him again, the grown-up guy is totally not my 青海种马 any more - he told me that he went to the bar to find girls, which was unbelieveable to me. Anyway, now I realize that the reason why we met our 青海种马, not because of the looking, but because of the desitany.