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首页>《温暖的弦》  第11章

网友:chnjessie 打分:0 [2007-08-31 13:38:14]

这首Should it matter 被安安信手拈来 真是妙
I look at you
Please don`t walk away
I see you`re about to
There is just something
I`d really like to say
So please don`t walk away
I know that you`re there
Still you pretend you`re not
Yes I know it hurts
I have also felt the pain
So should it matter
What I do or what I`ve done
As long as in my heart
You are still the one
I hear you say it
But I don`t think you understand
I can be trusted now I swear to you I can
It`s been a year
a memory from my past
I know what I did wrong
I wish to change
Just to make it last
But I guess it`s been too long
Easy to move on
To forget to about it all
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone
If you got to know me again
Maybe then -- maybe then
We could see what what we should do
But that`s all up to you
I`ll be waiting for you
不知道表面看来平静无波的暖暖 听到这首时 会不会也同样泪流满面
他们之间的memory 应该more than ten years 了吧


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