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首页>《曾是惊鸿照影来》  第2章

网友: 打分:0 [2004-10-03 13:43:20]

网友:passby 评论:《曾是惊鸿照影来》 打分:10 发表时间:2004-10-03 10:43:55
i really like this man, steady, sincere, by far better than his little brother. i sympathise with his tradgic experience, while i figure both he and qinwei are happy because they love and believe each other. that’s enough.
as to the so-called "san gongzi" and "susu", i just say they deserve ill of their agony. to be frank, i dislike them. however, i admit "fei’er" really do well in presenting readers with so many good stories.



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