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首页>《三万英尺》  第1章

网友:reader 打分:2 [2006-07-10 23:51:04]

Everybody has his/her own life. 苏珀 cannot ask 郑晓树 not to make any friends. 刘霞 may be interested in 郑晓树 and 郑晓树 likes 苏珀 more than 刘霞, so 郑晓树 and 刘霞 must be good friends. Besides, 苏珀 knows an affair with 刘霞 and 赵之. That is why 郑晓树 did not let 苏珀 know about 刘霞's news. 妥协 is not the ending of the story. It is good that 苏珀 accepts that people cannot live by themselves. Love needs to be supported by many things.


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