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网友:Chris 打分:0 [2009-06-13 11:02:12]
№3 网友:patty~ 评论: 《网王同人——Sunshine after the trials and hardship(微雨乍晴)》 打分:2 发表时间:2008-02-07 22:46:26 所评章节:15白石or小金,that's a problem~~~____________________________________________________To be or not to be,that's a question是从这句话改编的吗?
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网友:Chris 打分:0 [2009-06-13 11:02:12]
№3 网友:patty~ 评论: 《网王同人——Sunshine after the trials and hardship(微雨乍晴)》 打分:2 发表时间:2008-02-07 22:46:26 所评章节:15
白石or小金,that's a problem~~~
To be or not to be,that's a question