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网友:babal 打分:2 [2007-01-05 23:58:57]
大大, it's my birthday today.I like this chapter a lot, best birthday present to me! 紫离x小龙, yaaaaaaaaaaaa XD小龙 should have kissed 紫离 as a present ma... he is from modern world.... hehe....Thanks!!!加油, 加油!!
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网友:babal 打分:2 [2007-01-05 23:58:57]
大大, it's my birthday today.
I like this chapter a lot, best birthday present to me! 紫离x小龙, yaaaaaaaaaaaa XD
小龙 should have kissed 紫离 as a present ma... he is from modern world.... hehe....
加油, 加油!!