Abortion-oriented interstate migration是一个真实存在的问题,并且它从2022年美国将有关堕胎的裁决权从联邦下放到各州之后成为了一个全国性的问题。这是一个具体的例子:真实的社会问题站在邪恶六人组引发的经济和治安动荡之下会发生什么变化?我对这个假设的答案如本章。
Callahan, Molly. 2023. “One Year after Roe v. Wade Was Overturned, What’s the State of Abortion Care in the United States?” BUtoday June 21. 【链接放不上来】 (accessed on May. 10. 2024)
Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice. 2023. “Justice Department Files Statement of Interest in Case on Right to Travel to Access Legal Abortions.” November 9. 【链接放不上来】 (accessed on May. 10. 2024)
NYC.com. 2022. “Mayor Adams Signs Legislation Guaranteeing Access to Safe, Affordable Abortion in New York City.” August 12. 【链接放不上来】 (accessed on May. 10. 2024)
Grossman, Daniel, et al. 2022. “The Impending Crisis of Access to Safe Abortion Care in the US.” JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 182, no. 8 pp. 793–95.
Database (可供查询各州堕胎限制政策和严厉程度): Planned Parenthood / Guttmatcher等等