When I was a little girl.My mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad,which was pretty often.
And I would…I would pretend I was a princess…trapped in a tower by a wicked queen.and then suddenly,this knight…on a white horse,with these colours flying.would come charging up and draw his sword.and I would wave,and he would climb up the tower and rescue me.
But never,in all the time…that I had this dream,did the knight say to me.
“come on,baby.I’ll put you up in a great condo.” 【译:当我还是小女孩,我妈妈经常在调皮的时候把我关进阁楼里面,那时候我便幻想自己是一个被邪恶皇后关在高塔上的公主,很快便有一个骑着白马,身后彩云缭绕的骑士。他举起他的剑,爬上高塔,救出我。 可是,在我的梦境里面,骑士一次也没有对我说过,来吧,宝贝,我把你放进豪华公寓里面。】
“so what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?” 【译:那么,当骑士救出你的时候,发生了什么呢?】