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35、第三十四只猫头鹰 ...

  •   Albus—


      My watch is broken entirely. I don't know the date anymore. I don't care. The little upstart's coming for me? Delightful! Best news all decade. & I simply love how you don't even bother telling me to lie. You know I'll do it for you, don't you?


      FIFTY YEARS, ALBUS. FIFTY [illegible scrawl] How am I supposed to stand it if you're gone? If you're broken, if you're finally as mad as you've always liked to pretend to be? Bad enough when you didn't write. Bad enough when you went silent for this or for that, because you were too busy to bother, because you thought I wanted you to why would I want you to, because you had no time.

      整 整 五 十 年 了 ,阿 不 思 ! 五 十 年 ![潦草到难以辨认的字迹] 如果没了你,我该怎么承受这一切?要是你崩溃了,要是你彻底像你所说的那样疯掉了,那我该怎么办?你不给我回信已经够糟糕了,你忙这忙那没空理我这也够糟了。因为你太忙了不能被打扰,因为你以为我想让你这么做我为什么要想让你这么做,因为你已经没有时间了。

      Always no time. Even now you say you're running out. STOP LYING TO ME. TURN AROUND AND FACE ME.

      你永远都在忙。就算到了现在你也还在说你的时间不多了。别 再 对 我 撒 谎 了 。你 给 我 转 过 身 来 面 对 我。

      Voldemort? Send him up here. SEND THE LITTLE SERPENT UP HERE. You taught me Occlumency, I'll lie through my broken teeth and laugh in his face—oh, it's been too long since I've had a good face-laughing, way too long, I haven't even seen a face in years—& he'll make it quick and clean, won't he, because I'm supposed to be afraid of Death? Death who we sought to master? Death who would be our third partner in hallowing this world? Do you think he'd be ashamed to be caught red-handed in a simple mercy-killing? I want to laugh & laugh & laugh at him—

      伏地魔?让他来啊。让 那 条 小 蛇 来 啊 。你教过我大脑封闭术,我会在我碎掉的牙齿间冲他说谎、冲他大笑——哦,我已经太久没有开怀大笑过了——我会大笑着,太久了,我已经太久没有见到过活人了——而且他会做得干净利落的,不是吗,因为他觉得我会害怕死亡?曾经我们想要主宰的死亡?畏惧那个本应成为我们用圣器征服世界路上的伙伴?你觉得他会为在施行安乐死时被人抓了现行而感到羞耻吗?我想冲他笑,大笑,狂笑——

      You taught me Occlumency, in Godric's Hollow, a millennia ago. Your mind was red gold and restoring fire. It was agony to have to block it out. Your fingers were long and slender on your wand. We were together, the world was good, the water ran clear, and then she died—


      His mind won't taste good, will it? I'll not swoon simply from seeing another human being? I'll do right by you for once? & you'll take It to your grave years from now when you finally & change the world yet again, you pompous, beautiful arse.


      I can laugh even under torture, remember? He'll never get It. Look at me, Albus, I've given up & gone mad. Sob into your sherry all you want now. I'd always faintly hoped you'd have the guts to own up to me—


      You ask after remorse. Well, I've gone mad now, so it's quite all right to tell you. Decades, Albus, decades sick with guilt. Muggle shrieks in my sleep. Thoughts of the lines of the dead I sent forth, the huddles of their families I left behind. Bodies turned under for mulch. There was a girl with a red shawl who wouldn't stop screaming. She's been dead fifty years and she won't stop screaming. Why do you think I clung to you so? You were better than me, more or less.


      Of course, you knew that all along. That I regret, hate myself, hate what I did. Just like you knew that I would die for your idiot plans for It. Just like you knew that I'd write back when you wanted me to. Just like you knew that I've loved you since the day we met.


      & you must kill the boy & you mustn't care about me. Potter & I your sacrificial lambs, burnt offerings to Voldemort & the greater good.


      But what am I saying? You are a charming old man, good-hearted, even sweet. & I am a lonely,repenting old sinner. There were Muggles marched to my outstretched wand, Muggles lined up before It, bare feet scuffing panic marks in the earth until I smiled, cold, raised It, sent green light sheeting like the aurora. Beautiful. Thrilling. Something rips in my gut every time I think of it.


      These are my last few sheets of parchment. I'll write on the walls. I hope the Voldemort brat comes before that house elf dies and leaves me to starve, it'll be a better death. In one room for fifty years, in one room forever, I scrape my fingers raw on the inscription over the door &—


      Tell me what's going on. Get a bloody transcription quill if you have to, if you don't have time to write, tell me what in hell is going on, just don't leave me here. I let you win DON'T LEAVE ME HERE—

      告诉我到底怎么了。如果你没时间写信,那就搞支该死的速记羽毛笔来,告诉我他妈的到底发生了什么,但千万别把我扔在这。我都让你赢了 别 把 我 抛 在 这 ——

      Isn't remorse how you reintegrate a Horcrux? Is that why you asked? Why else would you care? What other use is the emotion that cripples you? Remorse. Caution. I would beg you to ride the wind with me, Albus, but we're far, far too old and broken.



      回 答 我 阿 不 思 别 把 我 抛 在 这 如 果 我 用 我 的 血 写 信 求 你 你 会 看 我 一 眼 吗 ?

      But I've never quite known what you think of me, have I? Only that you do not hate me. Albus Dumbledore, do you even know what you do to people?


      But you must...


      My hair's a ragged, tangled mess. The rats have crept back in—well, they did that some-odd years ago, but they've gotten bolder, chewing up my books. I have their blood in my teeth. No, Mr. Voldemort, I never had It, piss off & die already, it's not too bad after all, see, I'll do it right now for somebody I love. Die for you.


      But I suppose you think Dark wizards can't love, don't you?


      Maybe you're wrong.


      Out of parchment. Not using another sheet. Send more? Don't leave me here.




      1.“FIFTY YEARS, ALBUS. FIFTY”(整 整 五 十 年 了 ,阿 不 思 ! 五 十 年 !)这一段的原文本是英文大写,晋江不像老福特一样有给文本加粗的功能,所以这里我打了空格来强调。而且晋江的空格有点问题,我得打两个不然会被吞掉。这个空格出问题是我发之前检查的时候发现的,如果有没注意到的麻烦在评论区提醒我一下,我去改。

      2.“Always no time. Even now you say you're running out。”(你永远都在忙。就算到了现在你也还在说你的时间不多了。)我感觉GG并不是不知道AD的“没有时间”的潜台词指的是什么,而是GG害怕,害怕AD说的就是他快要死了。


      4.“Just like you knew that I'd write back when you wanted me to.”(就如同你知道每当你想我来信时,我就会写信给你。)当时译到这里不知道为什么真的超级想哭,甚至还没来得及看到后面GG说他爱他呜呜呜呜。我好像就能看见盖勒特坐在灯前写回信的样子,停下,想一想,又再执笔。


      6.“In one room for fifty years”(在一个房间里待了五十年)再次怀疑原作太太是不是伍尔夫的粉丝,伍尔夫也有一本小说叫作《一个人的房间》,当然我大概是过度解读了。还有我已经把《海浪》看完了,等正文部分彻底完结之后会给你们在最后附上我的观后感。

      7.“ I scrape my fingers raw on the inscription over the door”(我的手指已被门上的铭文擦伤了)看到很多太太这里翻译的是“门上的铭文被磨平了”,其实不是。“raw”有皮肤被擦伤的意思,从这里就能直接看到是GG无聊到没事去做在用手摸门上的那些铭文。而且前文(第三十二封)也提到了这里的铭文,“三角、圆、直线”,说的是死亡圣器啊,也符合GG总爱提一嘴圣器的习惯。这里说铭文擦伤了手指,我感觉有没有得到圣器却被其反伤的含义,但也只是个人理解。

      8.“I would beg you to ride the wind with me”(我会请求你与我一同驭风飞行)这里照应前面的第六封信,GG上一次提到飞行是说他刚得到老魔杖的时候,当时说如果能再飞行一次,他宁愿在结束后心甘情愿回到牢房。(当时那一段里还提到了和AD跳舞)

      9.“But I've never quite known what you think of me, have I?”(但我从来不知道你是怎么看我的,也许是这样吧。)这里想复合一下人物情绪没有用普遍反问句的翻译方式不然会很突兀,感觉GG很苦涩。

note 作者有话说
第35章 第三十四只猫头鹰

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