周周记得上次你写信问我,世界会变得更好吗? 我说世界没有生病。世界在变好。 in the perspective of optimization, there is a lot of inefficiency in our current world. 只要居高位者是善良理性而圣明的。 if u define what is good or what is not. 周周我记得你问我什么是有用,什么是没有用? 我是否要成为一个有用的大人? how do I make myself a great grownup? 周周,你要成为什么样的人, 无数的远方无数的人,不一定要跟你有关。 It does not really necessarily matter, if u can help others or even make this world better. 你只用做你自己。 you can be forever free. 不过要记住做最好的自己 remember be the best version of yourself 你可以不必在意胜利的火光,不必在意输和赢it may does not matter for being a loser or winner.但是你自己心里要有一把秤 You should weigh everything carefully by yourself 让自己舒服,让自己开心。
周周不要听信别人跟你说的一件事情不可能。 never let those naysayers get into your road. do not keep a watch on others and lose yourself. 因为主角游戏不存在impossibility
周周记住一句诗。learn a poem by heart Sean, I never fly, but forever free Sean here for god is gracious