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First written for Blogathon 2007, during my Grindeldore for Goats campaign; later revised and expanded with beta credit to Mattador.
This work has been translated several times over the years, and I wish I had more links on hand, but some of them were from long enough ago that they are lost in the ether. If you wish to translate, PLEASE do! <3 If you're able to add a translation as a related work on AO3, that would be great, but seriously, it's an honor to know this work is available in other languages.
这篇同人近几年来被翻译过几次,我希望我手里能有更多的链接,但是它们其中的大部分都遗失在漫长的时间里了。如果你想翻译,那么,请吧! <3要是你想将译文发表在AO3并能标注上相关作品,那就更好了。不过说真的,知道这篇文章能被翻译成其他语言,我真的很荣幸。
For those wondering what the heck Blogathon is, it was a charity event that I participated in several times in the late ots, before it shut down. Stay awake for twenty-four hours, post every half hour, gather pledges to support a nonprofit of your choice. Heifer Project International has long been my pet (hurr) nonprofit, and I figured that carrying a relatively freeform piece of fanfiction in short installments would help me keep my shit together for Blogathon, and lo, it did, and I raised over $250. Yay!
Most of the literary and cultural references are obvious, but I feel compelled to point out that one of Gellert's comments ("Darling Albus, you really are a contemptible bitch, do you know that?") is almost a direct quote from Israel Regardie responding to a pan of his book by his mentor, the infamous Aleister Crowley. (Except in Regardie's case, the salutation was "Darling Alice...") Thank my boyfriend for telling me silly stories about catty occultists.
2. 原作太太是letterblade,看到有几个小朋友找我要原文,可惜推特吧AO3什么的都被禁了我一个都登不了,不然我就给你们找去了……所以我的翻译在本质上属于是未授权……不过太太说她欢迎我也挺开心的。