岚娃娃感到真是莫名其妙,心想只要照着他们说的做就会被送回去吧。对上翊紫色的眸子,身体像被控制了似的站起来,走到翊的面前单脚跪下,右手握拳放在左胸前,嘴里说出莫名的话:“I will be kind to the weak.(我发誓善待弱者) I will be brave against the strong.(我发誓勇敢地对抗□□) I will fight all who do wrong.(我发誓抗击一切错误) I will fight for those who cannot fight.(我发誓为手无寸铁的人战斗) I will help those who call me for help.(我发誓帮助任何向我求助的人) I will harm no woman.(我发誓不伤害任何妇人) I will help my brother.(我发誓帮助我的兄弟骑士) I will be true to my friends.(我发誓真诚地对待我的朋友) I will faithful in love. (我发誓将对所爱至死不渝)(注释一) And my god,I will protect you ,and kiss you。”