**************************我是纠结的分割线***************************** 舞台上空旷寂寥,少女安静地坐在钢琴边,年轻专注的脸上有着淡淡的微笑,只有一束柔和的灯光散在她的四周,她舞动十指弹出舒缓柔润的旋律,轻灵的歌声像涓涓溪水,清澈透明,静静的流淌在每个人心中,紧绷的神经在少女的歌声中不知不觉的放松,然后归于平静…… Dear thoughts are my mind and my soul it soars enchanted, As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day, For a tender beaming smile to my hope haAnd tomorrow he shall hear all my fond heart longs to say. I will tell him all my love , all my soul's pure adoration, And I know he will hear my voice and he will not answer me nay, It is this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation, As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day. It is this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation, As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day 这样的少女似乎是不属于尘世的,宛如婴儿般干净。 后台,穿着休闲服的男人,英俊不凡,他看着台上唱歌的少女,眼中满是赞赏和骄傲,舞台上的灯光渐渐暗去,少女所处的位置缓缓凹落,只留下少女歌声的寂静的结束音…… 灯光再次亮起,众人从歌声中骤然惊醒,掌声雷鸣。