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5、第 5 章 ...

  •   He was really like a child, not only when he was sleeping, he didn’t know how to arrange his life, and he didn’t know how to show his feeling.

      In the appearance, he is perfect, mature, independent and confident, but she felt in the deep heart he was really like a little child who had never grown up, fragile and need to be petted, need some one take care of him.

      The day was Valentine’s Day, after her colleagues all hurried off work, Cynthia still stayed in office, lance hadn’t go home, she was always notice this.

      No chocolate and no rose received in this lover’s day. Cynthia bought herself a piece of chocolate, though no one cared for her, she could cared for herself,

      After 7:00, people had all gone, the company offices were empty. The lights in Lance’s office was still on, hasn’t he got a lover? He’s such a perfect man.

      Lance went out of his office, looking into the empty office room; he was a little desolate, till this morning when he drove by the flower shop, he remembered today is the valentine’s day, a romantic day, but without romantic mood.

      Went by the out room of the office, Lance saw the pink green figure still lingered there, the dolorous lonely air surround her was like a black tulip, silky and drowsy.

      She’s slim and fragile, stood there before the glittering lamplight of the night.

      In a second he had the impulse to wake her up.


      His voice went before his mind. Before he could think clear what he was doing.

      “Would you please have this Valentine’s day together with me.”

      She was surprised, she was just there to tidy up the files for him, she never thought he could say it to her, she don’t think she had the honor.
      He was obvious aware of what he had said.

      “A lonely night, isn’t it? Do you want to drown in sorrow of loneliness in this special day?”

      He wanted to make it clear.

      She smiled relieved.

      In a second he was bewildered and got the illusion as if she was really a lover.

      Dim yellow light from kindle fancy it into a dream, whispers of lovers were flowing in the air like bee wings.

      Dark red liquid in the crystal cup was shine with rays of silk and velvet luster. It’s the day with dream, decorated in city’s material way.
      Flower, wine, dream & illusion melt into a melody.

      Pure or harsh, true or fake, it’s nothing important, we all enjoy in this dream we vamp up.

      In the little café, Cynthia gazed on the delicate kindle on the table; she knew Lance was site on her opposite, drinking the red wine in the decorated crystal cup held in his hand gracefully. He was so suit in this refined surrounding, melt into the picture of magnificence.
      Cynthia sipped the hot coffee from cup.

      Silence flowing among them, comparing the breezing whisper surrounding them, time seemed frozen, she got a little upset.

      Through the tea-colored window, image of many couples of lovers add the romantic air.

      All happened after that was like a dream to her.
note 作者有话说
第5章 第 5 章

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