Christina, a farmer’s (non-comparable to Dutch farmers) girl (non-comparable to Dutch girls) from North China, had studied (semi-lingually) and worked (semi-legally) in Amsterdam (more or less Holland) for the year (felt like ages).
Meanwhile the best girl friend (non lesbian) of Christina, Ling (a non-farmer’s girl) had stayed (semi-independently) and worked (semi-consciously) in Chang Chun (more or less the size of Holland) for the year.
What had one year’s time done to their lives? What had they gone through on the same days?
How did Christina survive (or still surviving) from Cultural clashes, accommodation disasters,loss of identity, financial hardships and moral confrontations in Holland?
How did Ling recover (or still recovering) from family match-makers, different forms of corruption, job changes, regional economic development imbalances and SARS in China?
After a year of up & down, laughter & tear, love & pain, Christina was ready to follow her Master program in Nyenrode. Ling was ready to get married.
non-comparable to Dutch farmers 是说,跟荷兰农民没法比。(故事里会提到,荷兰没有我们理解中的农民,有的也是农场主,也没有我们熟悉的农村,所有的村镇都是通油漆路,并有银行,邮局等等,而女主家的农村是泥巴路,每户人间几笼田,不能相提并论)