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20、Chapter 12 ...

  •   Twelve kilometers away from western suburb…The good was divided into two sites to deliver, a dock and a warehouse.

      Marcel kept a close watch on the warehouse. The other side, their cock by his own fair hand got this trade on site for one box of ice and one high purity.

      Harvey led a team directly reach to the buyer in a trade center in the south.

      On site control center was located in a garage not far away from the warehouse. Anton led the support team was on site watching closely at the monitor screen.

      Marcel’s insider on wheel arrived the on cite center.

      Rene sure-footed sat in the middle of the center, calmly watching the screen.

      6:00 PM, Team A reported, buyer send a red moto set off.

      6:30 PM, Team C reported, buyer with cash and seller had reached West Suburb. They were waiting for the signal for trade.

      6:30 PM, Team B reported, traffic jam, an accident happened on the expressway, the red moto had a 20minutes-drive to the warehouse.

      6:35 PM, Team D reported, beside the dock, buyer and seller appeared on site, waiting for the signal for trade.

      6:35 PM, Team A reported, buyer cock was still on dinner in a restaurant as plan, waiting for the signal for trade.

      While, the trade time was fixed at 6:40PM.

      The whole group was quietly waiting too.

      Ten minutes, twenty minutes………..later, nothing happened.

      “Puppy already gets on the expressway.” Team B reported randomly in the intercom.

      It was 20 minutes late than supposed trading time. The seller was on the phone in the warehouse while other ones seemed disquiet.

      “Puppy was caught by traffic police for breaking regulations, and we are on negotiation.” Team B reported from the intercom.

      All got on fire.

      “Shit!” Marcel stood up. In order not to expose, they did not communicate with traffic police. All the case was on such a crucial thread. Now one could bear to see it crash.” Harvey, what’s gonna do?”

      “All standby.” Harvey’s voice came from the intercom.” Team B ask traffic police to let go.”

      “Jams, get me prepared. I go.” Rene broke the ice who was sitting beside. He quickly wrote something on a notebook, and ripped down while sent it to Jams. Then he looked at Anton.” Let me check the information.”

      Another moment later…

      “Team B calling, traffic police let go.”

      “Damit! We couldn’t make it! Snakers are leaving."

      Someone began to clear away. Body guards with guns kept on extreme alert. ”What to do? Go or not?”

      “Waif , how’s your doing? Team D? Team C?”

      Both their replies were covered with Marcel’s shouting.

      “Harvey, Rene told he went there.”

      “ Fuck! Who give the command!” In the intercom Harvey immediately got it.

      “Rene, himself, he is superior than us..”

      “Ask him..” Harvey could not wait for Marcel’s explanation.

      “He has gone yet.1”

      “Fuck! The seller knew that Puppy. It’s too dangerous! Team B tell the traffic police arrest Puppy, now! Shit!...” While hang on the intercom.

      After a while Harvey again, ”Marcel, is your insider there?”

      “Yes, he’s here.”

      “Team E, Marcel, listen carefully. Puppy’s cell phone is in Team B’s hand. Once got Rene’s reply , let your insider send PW on Puppy’s cell phone. Team B transmit to Shark! Marcel standby ,comply Rene whenever!”


      On the screen, Anton saw Rene appeared in the warehouse.

      At the same time it was getting dark.

      Falcons were the famous one among the east counter-terror special forces, as a mobile faces for special missions in police system. Because it’s extreme strict entrance test, it got mysterious rumors. However the peak was over for years.

      Anton, himself, was always expecting to join the Falcons. He had signed up for twice but failed.

      Remember Rene’s word, Anton concentrated on the screen.

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