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15、Chapter 6 ...

  •   The meeting was over.
      Among the new colleagues, some were the former super officers in the east police station, some were acquaintances for meetings, only two or three were not met before.
      Now in the meeting room, only those friends were left.
      “Mother fucker, we gonna report to those guys!” Finally some one said while Anton turned around knowing that was an assistant in his east police station.
      “That sissy, what is his title?” Anton raised head and saw that was Harvey speaking.
      Harvey was not in the east police station not with Anton but famous even more famous than himself and stranger than him, good at boxing and breaking cases no mention other fields. Anton heard lots of his gossip and it seemed that everyone ever had a crush on Harvey.
      “Too damn young!” Another one commented.
      “That sissy only deserves to be pushed down and be fucked over!” Harvey said totally unperturbedly while others laughed out.
      Anton often thought himself was rude and careless about unnecessary and over elaborate formalities , but now obviously there was someone that even much more careless. Thing of this, Anton smiled again.
      “Does that mean we have to report to him from now on?” An ex-colleague asked.
      “Sh!” Roger stood up in front of Anton.
      Roger was a young policeman with a little pedantic sense however good at collect evidence. Since he got a relative in superior level, he was always the spreader of grapevine news.
      “Guess what was that Rene’s post before!”
      While seeing others’ waving heads, he continued,” It is said he was in economic department and can you guess what department he was transferred from before that? Administration!” He waited for the response from the others.
      Of course the crowds laughed out.
      “Fuck!” Harvey threw the thick file on his hand down to the table,” Someone got cover from superior. How can we compare with, let’s go to work!” Taking his own stuff, he went out cracking jokes.
      Anton picked up his own mess stilly and could not stop thinking of the hot body and sexy moan last night. How could the same person became so indifferent and afar with mere polite smile on face.
      Anton definitely disliked things turned out to be like this, a one night stand object, a random wanton sex-partner in an instant became your superior. That was not good.
      “Yeah, Rene.” He called this name again thinking this incident was truly astonishing.
      Looking at a pile of files, formalities, forms with a sign, he stepped forward to his new office in 17th floor.

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