“是啊,可惜他71年就离开了...乐队成员更换实在太频繁(无奈)。不知道你有没有听过那首歌《starless》?” 她轻轻念出: “Sundown dazzling day, Gold through my eyes, But my eyes turned within...” (落日耀眼的日子, 金色映入我的双眼, 我的目光却转向了别处…)
“Only see, Starless and bible black...” (眼中只有, 无星的夜空与圣经般的黑暗…) 库洛洛回应道。 静下来的氛围,眼眸对视间,仿若命中注定般的相遇。
“Oh, there are cracks, in the road we lay, 哦,有点儿阴暗,那是我们干的, from where the devil fell, 在那里,魔鬼都要屈服, The secrets have gone mad! 所谓秘密,就是疯狂, This is nothing new, 这没什么新鲜的, But would we kill it all 但当我们把他们全部杀光, fate was all we had, 命运就是自己的, Who needs another mess 谁要收拾别人的烂摊子? We could start over, 我们可以重新开始, Just look me in the eyes, 只要你盯着我的眼睛, And say I'm wrong, 然后说“我错了”, Now there's only emptiness, 现在仅存的东西都是空虚, But a message to bring, 一个信号就说明, I think we're done, 我们已大功告成, I'm not the only one! 我不是孤身一人!”
“Fake and defenseless lie, 关于你表示手无寸铁的谎言, I tried to tell you first, 我早就说过, Your hurtful lies are given out, 让你的屁话滚开, Can't stop the killing idea, 不要停止这屠戮的想法, If it's hunting season, 如果这是个狩猎的季节, Is this what you want 这就是你想要的? I'm not the only one! 这种想法不是我一个人! ”
“And the rain will kill us all, 大雨降至,我们所有人都要死去, Throw ourselves against the wall, 我们抛开自己撞到墙上, But no one else can see, 但并没有人能看得到, The preservation of the martyr in me, 我心中残存着殉难者的信念, Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial, 社会心理!社会心理!社会心理! Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial, 社会心理!社会心理!社会心理! The limits of the dead!, 生灵涂炭! The limits of the dead!, 生灵涂炭! The limits of the dead!, 生灵涂炭! The limits of the dead!! 生灵涂炭!!”①