正在做下一组造型的李秀赫,坐在化妆镜前闭着眼, “You got me losing my mind , The wayyou got me fired up , Never give up boy even when they try us ,You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight.” 闭目养神的李秀赫猛然睁开眼睛,从镜子里看到了墙上挂的电视中,身着玫红色短貂,黑色皮短裤,黑色过膝平跟靴,带着墨镜的韩伊,举着麦克风,做着Wave,“You have my heart like the beat ,The wayyou got me turned up , Never give up boy even when they try us , You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight .”唱完后潇洒的转身离开,只听的下面歌迷们大喊,韩伊,韩伊… 当化妆师为李秀赫画眼线的时候,实在是无从下手,“秀赫,你能把眼睛闭上吗?我画不了你的上眼线,”