In this time of fear When prayer so often proves in vain Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away And now I am standing here My heart's so full I can't explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say
You will when you believe They don't always happen when you ask and it's easy to give in to fear But when you're blinded by ur pain Can't There can be miracles when you believe
Though hope is frail It's hard to kill Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe somehow you will Now you will
整个和声与重唱,安菲一直握着她的手,评委,听众,摄像机,仿佛都不存在了似的,这是冷月有生以来第一次和安菲一起登台献声,原本多少有些自卑,幕落的时候才知道,音域技巧都不重要,重要的是他们能读懂彼此的声音,默契配合,眼神交流,一曲《When you believe》,他们不是在比赛,是在享受。
没人告诉冷月这个安排,这些天,她一直和吉他社里一个会弹钢琴的队友排练。《牵手》的琴谱并不复杂,冷月却在第一段钢琴响起时就听出了差异,这是万人体育馆唱《长安月》的感觉,也是蒙楼小剧场唱《When you believe》的感觉,这是只有他能带给她的感觉,无比交融,无限默契,宛如自己的声音在喉间,而另一个声音来自心底。