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首页>《她不按常理出牌(女尊)》  第58章

网友:映雪无痕68% 打分:2 [2024-10-22 10:48:29] 来自美国

it's been a while since I checked for updates, but I just binge-read the whole novel. it’s so good and exciting, I can’t even put it into words. here’s a small gift to show my appreciation!


[1楼] 作者回复 [2024-10-22 22:01:54] 来自广东

When I saw this gift at night, you absolutely have no idea how thrilled and moved I was.
You are the first person who gave me the gift. Yes, that’s the truth.
U really have given me a lot.
I can’t finish the whole novel without your support.
You’ve been so supportive and adroable.
I just can’t express how much I adore and appreciate you.


[2楼] 作者回复 [2024-10-22 22:02:15] 来自广东

I like u sooooooooo much!!!!


[3楼] 网友:映雪无痕 [2024-10-23 22:38:04] 来自美国

it feels like fate that we crossed paths on this novel platform. I really value those kinds of connections, like your writing style , looking forward to your next novel


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